Help Me Find Dreamsigns Please


Just to help you on your way…
I have marked dreamsigns bold.

Obviously, I have missed some.
The best judge of what a dreamsign is and what not are YOU! :smile:

Here we go:

  • being in some sort of class - This could be a form or context dreamsign. It depends on you viewpoint. Was it a deformed class or was it a class you would normally not be?
  • I began to argue with the teacher - This is an action dreamsign. Well, if you normally do not argue with the teacher.
  • make an “ad” of some sort - This is also an action dreamsign. You (have to) do something here, that you wouldn’t in normal life.
  • someone who was supposedly my grandmother, however everone suspected she was simply an imposter with ill intent - This is obviously an dreamsign. You could categorize this as a form dreamsign.
  • acting different somehow, very blatantly different - Action dreamsign.
  • I really don’t know where this came from. It may be because I am acting different…or because my mother has gotten more sarcastic? I doubt it though - Haha, here you are trying to explain something that is a dreamsign, so it doesn’t appear too weird.
  • having a large pimple on my arm and in the light, a green box seemed to surround it - This is a context and/or form dreamsign
  • This alarmed me - inner awareness dreamsign
  • There is a large pimple on my stomach (near my privates) - This is a context and/or form dreamsign
  • is of some concern to me - inner awareness dreamsign