This is a dream account of what happened to me in a dream last night:
I had just woke up from a dream. I was not aware of that particular dream. But as I lie there, still tired, I began to see hypnogogic Imagery. I was fully aware, then all of a sudden I found myself in a very surreal dreamworld. There was no break in consiousness whatsoever(I did not fall asleep and suddenly wake up there, but I projected there). This was very mindblowing. Anyway I was well aware of my dreaming so i decide to calm myself down so that i would not wake out of mere excitement. I tried to fly by jumping but i did not succeed. Angry that I couldnt fly I quickly aborted the dream. I was just wondering exactly what type of dream that would be. Also how can I do this at will. I am also Interested in learning more about VILD’s and possibly any techniques that would aid me in the success of the process.
First of all, congrats on the LD. By the sound of it is was vivid and higly lucid.
As for learning to LD that will that is a skill that you will develop over time. You need to be working on dream recall and using some of the different techniques such as MILD, WILD or VILD. As time goes by you will get better. Also keep a positive attitude and convince yourself this is easy.
VILD is a technique devolped by Pedro and is done like this, as you’re falling asleep imagine yourself with friends in a room having a dream in which you are doing a “Reality Check Competition”, the idea is that hopefully you will have a dream about this later on and get lucid.
WILD is great if you can fall asleep quickly and easily. Just try and fall asleep while staying consicous. I find it best to focus on one thing as you’re falling asleep such as the ventilation.
For more information check the FAQ’s and guides here.
Good Luck and I hope this helps