Tonight will be the 4th time I try to LD. Ive been trying to do WILD and I have this music DNA thing on that helps you LD. I also do RC randomly. But I cant LD. I started keeping a DJ. Can somebody give me tips for tonight please? Like a walkthrough with WILD? How do I see and go into the HI or HH.
Don’t worry, i got my first LD few months after starting to try, and i got it w/o any methods, it was just natural.
I say: do RC’s and be patient
Worm has it right, lots of RC’s and be patient, it’ll come. I’d concentrate on MILD techniques, people usually have more luck with them. Be sure to keep your Dream Diary going, build up that recall and it also builds intention.
Go back over old dreams, see if you dream about certain things and use them as Dream Signs, both awake and asleep. When awake, do an RC when you see one of your Dream Signs.
Not sure about the music, I haven’t seen anyone get much luck out of those types of inductions. But, it could build more Intent, and that’s a good thing.
Good luck!
Thanks for the advice! Just started a DD. Since I started this Ive been getting good DR! You guys are right, I woke up remebered my dream, went to the bathroom and COMPLETLEY forgot it. Tonight Ill try MILD and WILD. Is that good?
I agree with worm, using those techniques will help yeah, but just do your RC’s and be patient.
However ide like to add, then when you go to bed, set your intention to “become lucid and remember it”,
Just tell yourself, out loud or in your mind, “I will become lucid, and remember it!”,
It helped me, and even advanced lucid dreamers use that technique with huge success.
Sometimes just knowing of the existence of lucid dreams can help you achieve them; I didn’t practice any techniques for lucid dreaming when I first heard of it, but I managed to get my first lucid dream about three weeks after finding out about it. It differs from people to people, but the only techniques I bother with are RCs and auto-suggestion. If I want to lucid dream, I rely on DILD methods; before going to sleep, I tell myself that I’ll know that I’m dreaming at least twenty times. Meditation also helps me out.
Ok so tonight Im going to tell myself I will remember my dream and be lucid in it. And I will also WILD. Hope it works!
Ok, sounds good,…Good luck!
remember, don’t be dissapointed if it doesn’t happen in one night. It takes people days, weeks, months, even years sometimes.
But the more you intend on doing it, and the more you think about it and do RC’s, the greater your chances:)
all the best
just take it slow, work on DR, a technique or two, and RCs.
They’ll come to you.
About to go to sleep! Any last hints! I’ll letyou know how it goes tommrow