Help! My dreams won't cooperate!

First, I started out at this high school. I went around doing my business whilst trying to escape from my duties in some kind of club. Ross and Ed were there, I think Jack was too (my friends). When I stood outside the school, I put my backpack down. When I looked down at it I thought I saw the Miyata (one of our cars). I looked away and looked back and it was gone. I said to myself, “I must be tired…” Then I said, “Wait a minute…tired? I better do an RC.” ( I usually do RCs when I’m tired) When I looked at my hands, they looked all short and stubby, my palms were fat and my fingers were plump and small. I immediatly realised that I was dreaming. I said, “Okay! First off…GIVE ME A DEVICE THAT WILL LET ME KNOW HOW LONG I HAVE LEFT TO DREAM!” Then dad appeared. I didn’t want to deal with him since the only thing on my mind was having fun. I flew away and decided to make an exclusive island where I could have some fun. I turned the mountains into an ocean by yelling to the sky and commanding it. After this, my lucidity started to fade. Though I wasn’t going to let this happen again, I shouted continuously, “INCREASE LUCIDITY!!!” over and over again. I went inside the tropical hut-style house I made for myself. Since I started doing LDs to improve my concentration as a martial artist, I sat down and practiced meditation excercises then the dream randomly changed on me! I was in a different house that was unrecognizable to me though I said to myself that I was in my sister’s house. I shouted my command for more lucidity and it was granted though I lost complete control over my dream! I was in what was apparently designated as my room. I was really frustrated at this point. I looked at myself in the mirror as it was essentially myself that wasn’t allowing me to do what I wanted. I said to my reflection, “YOU ARE NOT THE ONE THAT IS IN CONTROL! NOW GET OUT OF MY DREAM!” The reflection didn’t comply, it just stood there mirroring me even though I knew that it was the thing hindering me. Then father walks in again saying he wants to hang out. I immediatly command him to leave and he doesn’t. (Before I forget, I stil wasn’t 100% sure this was a dream, so I neglected to share my revelation with any of my dream characters.) He saw me yelling at my reflection and was concerned. I looked back at my reflection and it was gone! “YOU SON OF A BITCH!!!” I yelled in extreme anger. I turned to my father and beat him to a bloody mess as there was no one else to take my anger out on. Then this device started to go off (beeping) in my pocket. I pulled it out and there was a PDA. It had a blue screen saying, “Dream ending…Goodbye…” I said to myself, “There isn’t any possible way this thing can be accurate, I mean… How could I possibly know if I was going to wake up or not?” Then I woke up! The dream was really over. Son of a gun, the device I had asked for at the beginning really worked, though I’m a little dissapointed, I am also extremely excited that for my second LD I was able to do so much! But still, just WHY wouldn’t my dream cooperate? It couldn’t have been my meditating within a dream as I couldn’t even start. And why did my father keep appearing? Why did everything go so random and crazy? Someone tell me where I went wrong!

:hmmm: Interesting one.

At first I guess it’s more like you willed yourself to lose control of dream. At first, in tropical house you closed eyes to meditate. It’s common that after closing eyes in LD you open then them - and you are in diffrent place/ you have FA. So you opened them and found yourself in some random house. Then you convienced yourself that you lost control of dream. Effect was strengthened my high lucidicy at this point (you gave voice command for that).

I like the part about reflection in mirror - you see yourself making yourself unble to control dream. It’s essencional of situation, so true. You convienced yourself that you lost your lucid powers - but you was using them to make yourself unable to use them.

You also shouldn’t try to beat yourself - it’s kinda impossible. You cannot beat yourself. You and your reflection were one - It would be better to step trough mirror or something like that, to merge parts of yourself.

And your fater appeared two times in dream, that’s not something weird. Once you summoned him, unintentionally. Second time he appeared in your room, so this could happen. He didnt leaved room so he was there all the time - he could disappear, but he didnt. So when you wanted to release anger on someone, he was closest.

As final word: It’s worth to remember one important thing in dream: Dream happens olny and olny in your head. Everything around there is your creation. So, you are only one that can control it.

You seriously need to consider some different techniques for controlling it, you should also learn to control your anger; it is important not t get to much of any emotion in a dream