:help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help: :help:
I have to say i enjoy going to sleep way better than before, and now i consider sleeping as a important part of our day.
But the reason i put this topic is for the reason that i have a problem while WILDing.(tell me if i already posted this, sometimes i forgot things)

I have the WILD and MIlD organized, let me explain myself:
one day (nap and midnight sleep) MILD and the other day WILD;
Sun Mon Tue Wed Thu Fri Sat

I’ve progessed a little to the point when after3-5 minutes i get my first vibration but that leads me to my question.

Does the vibrations are continous or they’re separated and occur one at the time? :confused:

I hope to get help on this which will be thankful.
Thanks for reading :help:

The vibrations seem to be different for each individual. Hey, count yourself lucky! If you are to the vibrational phase, you are almost there!

I can only relate my personal experience. When the vibrations hit me, it feels like I have maybe 3-4 a second. They start off mildly then increase in intensity for a while before fading.
The frequency of the vibrations tends to remain constant for me.

So that means that if my vibrations are separated it doesn’t mean that im not progressing. You said 3-4 per sec.? that must be revolving. I’ll try to make some progress.

thanks for the help~ :smile:

Good luck! I’m sure you’ll get the hang of it :flower:

The first most difficult thing for me to learn was to relax enough without falling asleep.
The second most difficult thing was to learn how to ride out the vibrations without letting them distract and wake me up.

Yeah i think that’s the most difficult part.

I try to use the WILD method every night, I like to be conscious before the dream starts, so I can do RC and so on…

Problem is, after I have my first bout of dreaming (be it lucid or not) and soon wake up to record what I felt, I have trouble falling back to sleep.

I’ll lay there focusing on my consciousness waiting for the patterns and the waves but they never arrive again. I then have trouble, not only dreaming, but sleeping, for the rest of the night.

Am I trying to hard? Should I attempt another method LD’ing after my initial WILD attempt?


Sorry Rift, I can’t answer your questions, but I have a few of my own to add: Do you have to sleep 5-7 hours before attempting WILD? Which is more important to concentrate on: HI, or counting down from 100 to 0? Should you do both at the same time? :help:

It is best to wait 5-7 hours, since by that time, you have finished with most of your delta sleep and are staying in REM for longer periods.

I like to lay there, relax, and WATCH the HI. Concentrating too much on it is counter-productive, it usually keeps you too keyed up.

So, watch passivily while counting, but don’t let the counting become too automatic or you will fall asleep.

the first time i tried WILD i didnt really know what i was getting into i was relax but i DIDNT know that it causes vibrations and it freaked me out so i lost consntration and and from the on i couldnt get back to the vibration stage of wild and i only get flashes of white light

1st of all thanks guys,

I found easily to get relax and get asleep now. But the problem is that when i get vibrations,hypnagogic imgs, REM i get distracted easily but i’ll try to do the WBTB method. :neutral:


Just my opinion here but, I suggest that you don’t think about the vibrations. What I think is happening is that you start thinking about the vibrations and that keeps you awake (where you become even further distracted). You have to let go of your thoughts and just focus on your WILD technique. If you are thinking about anything else it is very hard to crossover.

Doing WBTB will make this a lot easier and makes WILD happen much faster. However don’t completely give up on WILD at bed time because it is possible. I suggest doing both. That way you have at least 2 chances to practice.

Thanks Seeker. :smile:

Thanks milod789 for the advice! I’ll try, wait… i won’t try i will do.

:good: A good attitude is important.

Happy dreaming :smile:

how long does it take on average to be able to WILD without WBTB first? because i would definitely like to master this

There really is no average with this as the time varies from person to person. However, if you do not get any success after an hour, I would say let go and go to sleep. Some times you will still get a MILD like effect and become lucid later in the night.