
please try to answer all of them if you can.

  1. techniques not working. i have trying some different techniques for a while now. i forgot the names of most of them but i am just not getting any luck. one thing that i am trying is to do a reality check by looking at my hands in my sleep. no matter how hard i try to look at them, i can never have a dream where i do.

2)opposite dreaming. when i want to do something in a dream, like meet a person or actor, i can never do it. i try my hardest to try and dream it but it wont work. sometimes, after a couple of days, i dream it and i didnt think of it that day.

3)how do i get reid of flashback dreams? sometimes i get very old dreams that either repeat themselves or something else happens in the same dream setting. if there is a problem, i can never resolve it

4)what techniques are best for a 16 year old who goes to sleep at about 11:00 and wakes up at about 7:30? what can i do to improve my chances of getting lucid dreams and building up the skill or mind strength to do it? also i some of the techniques are hard to understand so if u have a good one that may help me can you please provide a link or describe it?

i may have more problems but these are just generall. if you can help, i would really appreciate it. thanks.

  1. Hm, it’s difficult to give advice without knowing what techniques you tried. :neutral:
    As a general rule, combine your technique of choice with WBTB.
    As for RCs, you are supposed to do them when you are awake as well, not just in dreams. And you have to seriously ask yourself whether you are dreaming when doing RCs. They are actually just a way of getting used to questioning reality.
    How good is your dream recall? That is also an important question.

  2. Believe it will happen and give your subconscious a chance to implement the idea. For example, do not try to make things appear out of thin air, but expect to find them somewhere in your dream. Keep looking for them in any place you can imagine. If this fails, you may still find something of interest.

  3. Tell yourself to become lucid in the situation, each time you have such a dream (and maybe even if you don’t).
    I haven’t really tried this yet, but I have identified several dreams which repeat themselves and I have made up my mind to work to become lucid in them.

  4. I am not sure. Getting up early without enough sleep doesn’t help me with lucid dreaming at all. But since you do seem to get enough sleep, maybe try WBTB in the morning (around 4 or 5?) with MILD or WILD.
    You can find descriptions of the techniques in the Wikibook or on the site.

thanks for the help. its pretty weird because i only can remember 2 dreams in my whole life that i had full controll over. but the problem is that i was very weak in those dreams. whenever i have a dream, its basicly like watching a movie in 1st or 3rd person. theres nothing i can do in the dream to affect it. its either a good dream or bad dream that happens and things that happen on their own. my dream recall is somewhat pretty good. sometimes i remember dreams from 2 days ago and think that they were the most recent dream. and what are some methods that help me to get better sleeping habits. its really hard for me to go to bed early when i am used to going to bed a little late.


1.) I might try, ID_ (its my method,induced a LD the first ime i tried it).Once your really really tired,lay down close you eyes and tell yourself (in your head) that your dreaming over and over and over) like Im dreaming, im dreaming, im dreaming,repeat

2.)would be solved by having a LD

3.)same as answer 2

4.) Same as answer one,(i have the same sleep habits as you)

P.S dont forget to check your P.M’s {wink}

Appearently i am an excellent dream recaller. I remember at least 50 dreams vivdly or strong visions of dreams from years ago. I can also remember dreams from 2 days ago. Sometimes for a week if I think about it alot. Some dreams slip away though.

the point about RC’s is that you have to mahe a habit of doing them every so often(this means in waking life also) so that you will do so in your dreams as a habit

yes, this is a problem for me as well, i asked for advice about that on youtube(as an ongoing discussion about lucid dreaming) and got the advice to just keep practicing, as you will(as you become more experienced) gain more control of your memory)

maybe you should try to find out what’s causing the dreams to “show” themselves to you again, because these usually contain a message(i think)

well, i’m 14 and i have a comparable sleep cycle, and my most usefull techtique is still DILD(reality checks),WBTB works well in the week-ends, but it’s not foolproof because often i can’t get back to sleep(though the(2)times that i did get it completely the way it should happen i got at least 1 lucid dream)

i hope this helps you :happy:

P.S. as you’ll probably have heard, don’t freak completely when you’ve made it to the point where you ARE lucid, cause it might wake you up(doesn’t always though, i got really exited the first time as well, but i stretched the dream until i got woken up by my mom)

also, here’s that video i talked about: RE: re: lucid wanderings 3

Great! Now, the main question is: Do you have a dream diary?
Having a dream diary solved some of my problems and questions. It seems stupid at the beginning, but it really helps.

Yes I found a notebook a couple of days ago and I am recording my dreams on weekdays because on weekends I sleep in. The dreams that are hardest for me to remember are ones on the weekend. I looked and read through the dreams and found similar dreamsigns like tvs not working, gigantic objects like chairs the size of buildings, real working houses the size of doll houses, and buildings which have no exits. By comparing and analyzing the different signs and scenes, I can reflect and make connections which is supposed to be taking a step closer to lucid dreams. So far this is what I m doing. Is there anything else I should be doing while doing this or is there something I should after this?

Interesting, there are quite a lot of videos on YouTube concerning lucid dreaming. :roll: I didn’t know. :happy:

I think you should still record your dreams on weekends, because those dreams seem to be really interesting :smile:

Yes but I usually und up with a head ache when I wake up on weekends and I cant remember the dreams.

I am not sure, but it might be too much booze. :tongue:

lol im only 16.