Help with changing things in your dream.

Last night I had my first actually LONG LD. Usually they are only a few minutes long, or I only remember a few minutes of them, how am I supposed to know :razz:. Anyway, I was dreaming, and I didn’t know I was dreaming until I started to feel funny. I looked around and read a sign to a store near my house, I read it again and it was different. I thought to myself, I must be dreaming. Then I just thought about “comfortable-ness” and I was wearing my favorite clothing. I thought it was cool, so I tried to change my surroundings, but I couldn’t. I was getting frustrated, but I didn’t want my emotions to ruin my dream, so I walked around… and I came to this street with Eager Ropers I don’t know how to spell his name, nor do I watch his show, which makes that very odd, lol, and he was wearing a big water bottle, and selling water. I said no thanks, and walked on trying to change the dream, but I still couldn’t. I walked into one of Ropers refrigerators, and I couldn’t get past it, the wind was blowing to hard, and I could barley move. I asked him for help and he said “Well it looks like you are F***ed”. I then for some reason felt scared and I tried to run away from him, and tried to change my dream, but I couldn’t. I woke up, turns out I was only asleep for about 4 minutes, and it felt like two hours. My dad woke me up because I fell asleep on the couch, probably from the turkey. Well he didn’t actually wake me up, because I woke up frozen in paralysis. 30 seconds later I got up and that was that.

Anyone have any tips?

Oh, and when I have my other lucid dreams, that are only a few minutes long, I can change everything in them. So it isn’t like I don’t know how…

You said that your LD was long, but how would you rate your level of lucidity (awareness that you were dreaming and clarity of thought). For me these those two factors tend to go hand in hand but they could very well be different for others.

If it was a low level LD it can be tough to exert control over the dream because you are just barely aware that you are dreaming.

Well up untill I got frightened… I was very well aware that I was dreaming, and I concentrating on chaging the dream, just nothing happened.

I think the best way to change stuff in dreams is don’t really bother about stuff. I mean, try to do stuff, but don’t knock yourself out.

Once, just waving my head towards water without thinking about an effect made it fly around and swirl. In a similar situation, waving my hands towards demons made them disappear. Don’t really think so hard, and just believe you can do anything and it works.

I like Rodrigo’s suggestion, if you start thinking that you might not be able to exert control you won;t be able to, a result that overthinking tends to cause.

If you really have difficulty (which you shouldn’t) then try to start with indirect control, ex: if you can’t fly try using a jetpack.