Help with my LD's....

Well Im going to try a WILD tonight and i have a question. When Im focussing my mind what exaclty do i do? Do I stare at something? Do I think of something? Will I automatically get SP? How long does SP last? I know it’s alot of questions but I’m not sure if I should do this or continue my method thats been working only a little. :help:

Well I dont try WILD anymore but here is what i know to do.
Make sure you are tire, go to bed and stay in a confortable position you know you wont move. It varys from person to person wether it will take a long time or short to get numb. Usally (for me) starting in my hands, then to my feet. And thats as long as I had gotten. Took me about 30 minutes. I allways think about something interesting. :smile:

for WILD you should clear your mind of all thoughts and just focus on getting a lucid dream and you get SP everytime you sleep, the brain does it so you dont act out your dreams in real life.

well for some people it helps to count in your head to keep your mind concentrated but for some people its the other way around. Personally, counting helps me.
-best regards
The Luciddator

Don’t go to bed and try it. Go to bed normally, but set an alarm to wake you up early, about six hours after going to sleep, then try WILD, when you’re going back to sleep. Your mind will be in a better condition for it if you do that. It’s incredibly difficult for most people to do it when they go to bed at night.

I used the counting method “1 I’m dreaming, 2 I’m dre…”. An important thing is not to get excited or panic. Let me tell you, it can be very wierd, and even scary, some of the things that happen, but it’s all normal; just be rather bored by it, or you’ll just wake up. Don’t be alarmed if it feels like a jumbo jet is landing in your bed and steam is shooting out your ears. All normal, and boring. Once that’s happened, you should be dreaming although you may question it for a while.