Help with the vibrations.

Well about 30 minutes ago, I was really cold so I curled up with a blanket, and got sleepy from being extremly comfortable. I was napping, but I wasn’t really sleeping. I started having a lot of vision in my head, just like of what I had done so far today, more like day dreams, rather then actually dreaming. For some reason I thought to myself, " I want to dream". And I started to have violent vibrations, but they were worse then I ever had. I could see my self in the blanket, and I tried to push myself out of my body, but I couldn’t do it. I just ended up waking myself up. The wierd thing was that I woke up and my heart was pouding and I was out of breath. Now I have a major migrane. I thought I would give it another shot, but I’m too worked up and not sleepy. Any ideas on what I did wrong?

Honestly i know somewhat what you mean I have had a few cases where i wake up with a migraine, i think the vibrations came from that because when your sleeping, your focusing in your brain, not your body, so if it was a lotta tension headache type migraine it could have been that, ive had something similiar.

You probably tried to separate from your body too soon during the vibrations when your astral body was being generated.
If you wait a little longer until the vibrations reduce a bit you should be able to separate ok.
Another trick is to say ‘I need help’ and put your (astral) hand out. In most cases a hand will grasp yours and pull you out of your body.
I know it sounds wierd but it works and is a well known phenomena.

These vibrations may be the first stages of dream-paralysis. I find that when I’m slipping into a dream, and my brain has administered the call to paralyse my body, but I have not fully fallen asleep, that I will have a vibritory feeling.

This can be very scary at times. I find that in my youth, I used to scream, and friends and family said I was moaning loudly. You can do one of two things…continue with the vibrations and let the natural slip into dreams occur, or wake yourself up if it’s too much for you. It can be quiet a helpless, scary feeling.

As far as a migrane, high heart rate, and breathing…I’m not sure. I think you just got too excited. The best thing to do in this dream-paralysis state is to relax, let it take hold, and utilize it for a perfect WILD.

Although, I could be mis-diagnosing your vibrations.

Hope I’ve helped.

When you ask for help do not ask for help blindly! I know this sounds even more rediculous, but if you accidently astral project you do not want random help. This can attract random entitys, perhaps ones you do not want to attract. Call out for someone you know, or if you believe in god, call out for an angel to help you.