Help with Wild

Whenever i do wild i might get close to SP, or the sounds. If i move does it rewen all of it though? Lets say for example i get an itch or i am uncomfortable and i satisfy this urge do i have to start all over. I feel heavy and like Sp is coming on but there is always something that bothers me and when i move i feel like i have to start over. Is it all right to move or does moving rewen my attempt at Wild?

I get the same exact thing EVERY time I WILD now. It used to be I’d just fall asleep or not get sp and just lay there. For me the closer I feel like I’m almost there the more…fidgety…I get, I’ll get this feeling of tenseness in my limbs or an itch or something. If I go to scratch the itch or move the whole feeling goes away and I seem to have to start over as it were.

I haven’t been able to get past that stage yet but I believe that it is very close to getting there.
My advice is just try to ignore it by occupying your mind on counting or a repetative image such as dots moving around or something. I find that for me at least thinking of something else usually takes the feeling away. But, be careful though, as you may not even notice your mind wandering and I have fallen asleep several times that way.

Good luck.

ShadowSniper is right. Try and ignore the itching. If you move, you have to start again from the beginning. This may be also due to a not such good relaxation.

Anyhow it’s a beginner problem, with some experience this itching problem will disappear. :smile: