No matter what I dream about wheter its me turning into a huge monster and rampaging on mars through giant cities or seeing Purple elephants flying over my house I can NEVER understand that it is a dream EVER!. For example the other night I started dreaming that i got out of bed i went to my kitchen it was 2 or 3 in the morning it was still dark… then i went to the kitchen for some milk then i turned on the lights and the WHOLE kitchen was different the wallpaper the patio door was gold tinted the fridge was a weird Robot that handed me stuff and the floor was Futuristic, it was Metalic colored and it was glowing some kind of weird color that ive never seen before Purpleish, Gold. Anyways I went to the robot it handed me milk and told me I was dreaming and to do a reality check i thought to myself that Robot is a moron and I went back to my bed and did some weird arobics and jumped into my bed which brought me to a Hot pink colored lake. So i started swiming in it and then realized i couldnt see land so i started to panic and then the robot showed up again and told me DO A REALITY CHECK NOW!!! he screamed louder than ive ever heard some one scream in my life. So for some reason I started swiming under the pink lake and this Shark attacked me then I woke up… Lol i know this stuff makes me sound like a lunatic but I just want some advice on how to LISTEN to what is going on in my dream so i can have a lucid dream im seriously tired of how hard I try to have lucid dreams and no results, And if your going to say I try too much, I took a month break to just have normal dreams and i still didnt have one. And one last think, Has anyone heared of anyone who was Incapable of having a lucid dream, I mean that it is COMPLETELY impossible for them becasue they have too strong of a subconcionce or something. Thanks in advance for your responses

I don’t know how to help you man. Maybe DILD or MILD or whatever you’re doing isn’t the thing for you. You might consider trying WILD.

Wow. I would say that your frustration upon waking will get you that LD ad RC if you use them as part of an intention method.

Journaling is the best way to get LD’s.

Have you read Stephen Laberge’s 4 dreamsign categories?


By the way I was just thinking and for me sharks represent fear and I am wondering if you might have some fear concerning LD in any way? Like subconsciously or something…

I bet that your mind is just preparing you slowly for LD’ing, 1 step at a time.

Sometimes dreams are pointless, like some things that happen in life. If you try to understand the dream the whole dream you won’t be able to ‘enjoy’ it (LDing may be an element of ‘enjoying the dream’)

Just go with the flow. It’ll come to you. being less frustrated will help immensely.

you seem to have trouble telling the difference between waking life and the dream world, just keep doing RC’s in real life, look around for any weird objects, read soemthing twice. hey the robot asked you to do a reality check, that is real good, at least your subconcous knows what RC’s are!!

Try lucid living. This should help you recognize when you are dreaming. And with the help of your robot, this will give you a better chance of having a DILD :tongue:
Also, as someone already suggested, you should try WBTB/WILD too.

When my cuddly toy was dancing in my room one day, I never supposed that I was dreaming too :content:
Before going to dream, try to think to observ what’s around you, it works for me sometimes, or try to fix you an objectif.
Instead of thinking “I want to have an LD” try to think “tonight I will do this in my dream” and replace “this” with what you want.
Tris69 and Reyth gave you good advices to have LDs, like keeping a dream journal, or doing a RC.
My favourite RC is to cross things, like crossing a glass of water with my hand.
If you hesitate on your state of dream, RC is a really good thing to decide you yes ! :cool: