Hemi-Sync Lucid Dreaming Induction Series & a problem

I’ve been doing the Hemi-Sync Lucid Dreaming Induction Series #1 the past 2 nights and have been having a problem.

Sometime AFTER I have lost consciousness, I remove the headphones, which makes it so I can’t hear when Mr. Monroe says, “You’re dreaming now”.

This is a big problem and I was wondering if any one had some advice to help me keep the headphones on my head. After all they are called HEAD phones, not BED phones.

Hmm. Actually i think those are supposed to be listened to sometime other than when sleeping. A hypnotic session trying to bring you into deep mindstates to simulate sleep. This is supposed to train your brain to be more active during real sleep. And think about lucid dreaming. At least that’s what I gathered from listening to them.
But I used them at night anyway. You can’t really sleep with big headphones on. Maybe if you sleep on your back only. I Used to use earphones, since i can lay on my side with them. Actually. I think that was sith BWmindvoyages. Anyway, The sound worked it’s way into a dream or two. But I enterpreted it as someone else listening to it. How I could hear it i didn’t think about.
So unless you can produce earphones or sleep on your back, better just use those things as training and to help with relaxation.

The problem is that earphones don’t produce stereo quality sound which therefore defeats the purpose of listening to brainwaves in the first place.

Thanks for the tip though. :wink:

Mine had stereo. hifi. Don’t they all have that?

Nope. All of my little comfy ear-buds are mono and unable to deliver stereo powered sound. That’s why I have to use my huge, bulky stereo phones to get any affects from the CD.

The CD definately gives me trippy, vivid dreams and enhances my recall, but unless I can manage to keep the phones on my head I cannot expect to get lucid dreams from it… which sucks heheh.

I see. Well you could definately find new ones with stereo.

Trippy, vivid dreams could turn into lucid dreams though.

It seems like they would, but no matter HOW trippy and far out they get, I seem to be a complete moron while I’m in them. hahah

Hehe… Come to think of it I become lucid more often in the more normal dreams. But if you combine techniques you may find a use for those recordings anyway.

Im downloading all of the series right now... Cant wait to try them, are they effective? (besides that earphone problem of course :razz:)

I tried the Monroe Lucid Dreaming Tapes for a while, but did not find them helpful.

I experimented with headphones and earbuds. But both felt uncomfortable when trying to go to sleep.

I do use other hemisync tapes for meditation and find focus 12 very enjoyable. :smile:

Focus 21 seems to put me into delta sleep sometimes, but this is not much use for LDs :sad: