I had this dream this morning. It was a REALLY good lucid dream…
[Beautiful Plains]
I show up to work at Safeway, but I remember I haven’t exactly finished my training there yet, so I decide I can just help out and not get paid. After helping random people out throughout the store, which resembles Costco on the inside (because it is LARGE and unfurnished), I hear Noel (who doesn’t work there IRL) call me up to the checker stand on the loud speakers. I rush to the front and try to explain I haven’t finished my training and hardly know how to operate the cash register, but she keeps interrupting me by yelling my name SO LOUD that it hurts my ears! I get frustrated and decide to just give it a shot and wing it. I help these little asian kids out. While I am ringing up their stuff, the younger one is telling me how he saw me on some television show. I just play along with him and let him believe he really did, even though I’m sure I never was on TV. When I’m halfway done with ringing the asian boy’s stuff up, my manager (who is played by my 4th grade teacher, Mrs. Binkerd, in this dream) approaches me and angrily asks what I think I’m doing. She signals for me to go with her. I leave the asian’s on their own and follow my manager. It’s when she’s telling me how I have to ‘check in’ first that I realize Mrs. Binkerd WAS NEVER my manager! The thrill of becoming lucid and aware that I am dreaming gives me a rush of endorphins to the head. I smile. I know she is just a dream character, but I decide to play along with her anyways. “Look”, I say,“This is not even REAL. This is ALL just a dream.” She rolls her eyes at me and is about to go one, but interupt again, “No, just look at your hands”. I grab her hands and flip them over so she can see the palms (for those of you non LD’ers, looking at your hands is a great reality check. If they’re blury, then you’re dreaming).
“What!? What is so special about my hands?”, she says and then puts them back down.
“No”, I patiently say, “Just look at them and see if they distort at all”. I pull her hands back up. She refuses and pulls them back down. I think of another reality check to have her try and that is attempting to read something twice. I rush over to a box on one of the Costco-style shelves and point at the text on it.
“Hypno.com”, I say out loud to her. “Why in the WORLD would it say Hypno.com on a box in a grocery store?”. She starts to consider that maybe what I am saying is the truth, and maybe this IS a dream.
“I just want REALLY solid proof.”, she says.
“Okay”, I answer,“How is THIS for solid proof?” I fly off the ground and fly down one of the aisles to our right. Once again I feel the thrill and pleasure that comes from flying that seems completely real. I turn around and fly back to her and land. Her eyes are HUGE and she is shocked.
“I. I, I.”, she stutters.
“No, It’s okay. You can do it too!”, I inform her. At this moment I realize one of those little asian kids was listening the WHOLE time and now he is flying around the store.
“I’ve done this before”, he boldly exclaims to us as he is flying around the store. I smile. I decide the time left in the dream is only counting down so I better make the most of it. I leave the dream character immitation of Mrs. Binkerd, my supposed dream manager, and fly down the aisle again to the back of the store. I am so high up that I can see over ALL of the big shelves. I fly down the back aisle of the store and fly up the aisle all the way on the opposite side of the store. I pass the cash registers and the asian kid is still following me. I continue to fly out side. When I get outside I see the MOST beautiful landscape I have ever seen. Plains stretch for miles to the mountains in the distance in front of me. I take a deep breath of air and absorb the rest of the image. There is a WHOLE mountain range in front of me. At the top of each mountain I can see snow. The mountains are so far away that the first row appears to be of a blue shade. The 2nd row of mountains, behind the first, appears to be more of a purple shade and the rows get darker and darker as they progress into the distance. The sky is beautiful as well. The sky is light blue with some gentle clouds spread like butter across it. The sunny sky makes the plains shine brightly. I also notice a row of pilgrims lining up to enter the store I just came out of. I continue flying over the pilgrims feeling the soft wind dancing though my hair and across my face. It feels sooo good! I hear the asian kid flying behind me, as we cross the plains, he suggests we go destroy those pilgrims, but I ignore the request. I am too captivated enjoying the beauty of my lucid dream. I fly higher and see over the mountains. It is breath taking and captivating. The cold, but comfortable chill of the wind slides across my strong, bare chest. To the right, enshrouded in beautiful green trees, I see a mormon temple roughly a half a mile away. I remember how I wanted to try singing in one of my dreams. I continue flying forward towards the mountains and begin singing Silent Lucidity at the part where the words go, “There’s a place I like to hide, a door way that I run through in the night”. I am surprised at how beautiful my voice sounds in this magic universe. It sounds EXACTLY like the original singer’s. I begin to hear the background music start playing to the words I am singing as well. I am in . I decide that I should go see if I can reach the temple by the time I awaken, while I continue singing, but awaken before I get there.
The transition of my consciousness brings me back into the real physical world. I take a deep breathe and retrace the dream through my head. I smile, stand up out of bed and come here to record it. I hope you enjoyed it.
Now, I’m going to work out. This energy is going to last me forever.