Hello , my name is dani
im practicing Lucid dreams for about 4 month and i had 4 Lucid dreams so far.
Hey Blabla. Four in four months! Thats a good record. I had three in a week but that was a couple of weeks ago. Wish I could get back up to that frequency. How did you get into lucid dreaming?
My first lucid was by mistake before i knew about lucids i was at my house in my back yard and then i realized that im dreaming and then i tought to my self “Wow no way” and i started walking and touch evry thing to se how its felt that was so amazing.
secend one i dreammed that im making objects fly but then i woke up and i tryed to make object fly but then i tought to my self “objects cant fly only in dreams they can” a day after i dreammed that im in my class then some one asked me to bring him somthing So i pull my hand and then i made that thing fly to me and then i think to my self “hmm Objects cant fly i must Be dreammining !” then i became lucid
3th dream was a wild it was short but nice
and my 4th Lucid was a mild i was at my house and then i jumped from my roof Then i relized that im dreamming so a ran in my hosue screaming “i made it im in a lucid dream!” then i went to my back yard and i jumped into the air and i flew for like 15 sec and then i fell slowly then i jumped again and i fell slowly again then i went near a bulding and i tryed to make stuff so i looked on the floor closed my eyes and tought of an object but when i opened my eyes nothing was there then the The phone rang so i woke up .
well thats all my Lucids
Hey welcome,
interesting set of LD. You know the part where you ran around yelling this is a lucid dream…that’s a real good method of increasing lucidity. Often when I become lucid I don’t even bother saying this is a dream. I just realize and I’m off to experiment. Hmm…