hey good folks!

i have tried three times on LD’s im my life. i have had one :content: but i have stoped trying to have them and are currently focusing on mu dream recall. there is nothing wrong with it but i have bought a book over the internett and i want to follow the program in that book… the book is called l"ucid dreams in 30 days" it is supposed to have a good program of how to be lucid! so i am rememering dreams like an sob here :grin: . and i can’t wait to recive the book :eek: . love from the norwegians :tongue:

:smile: Hi Norwegian Eric :smile:

MM interesting, will be a real nice quest to do in 30 days!
Let us hear how you do ok? :wink:

Greetz and welcome Eric :smile:

Many lds 4 more then 30 days :wink:


Hey erik! Welcome to the LD4ALL forum :smile:

There is nothing wrong with working on DR…in fact many ppl have trouble with that. If u think u need improvement on it, then go right ahead and work on it. May i suggest u do WBTB?? It is GREAt 4 DR!!(4 me anyways).

If u tried several times in earlier years and HAd success, there in no reason to believe that u wont again! So dont worry about that. If u really want to have one, u WILL! That book might help too :slight_smile:

So welcome to the forum once again and good luck on your dreaming jorney ^_~