I’ve read Dragon Time’s Dream Journel and just want to say your dreams are fantastic!
My question is this, I’ve just woken up from 8 hours of sleep, so am I eligible to try WILD now? I mean Is this the best time?
I’ve only been aware of LDs for two days now , but I’ve been performing RCs as much as I can, and have pen and paper at the side of my bed to write anything down.
I’ve tried WILD twice now, last night being the second time. I got to the Vibrations (or at least I think I did, my eyes were vibrating the most) but nothing happened when I tried wolling over.
Sorry for the double post but I’d just like to add that I’ll be sticking around here from now on. I’ve been reading peoples posts religiously for the past few days (ah, unemployment eh?) and It seems like a really great community.
I just wish I’d known about LDs a few weeks ago, because looking back, I’ve had a couple of dreams where a RC would sent me lucid. Oh, and I had one FA, but that just scared me!
Hey A-J, i’m new here too and i’m the same age as you too lol, I think we should be sticking together in these forums. hehe - So you say you got to the shakes? What did you mean by “nothing happened when I tried wolling (rolling?) over”.
For me I tried WILD for the first time just last night and I had a sensation of being pulled backward!! Like, rolling over! Does this mean I should have literally gone with the rolling action and i’d end up in my dream??? Wow… this is confusing me lol.
Well, the only way I could give info on this is to actually have an LD myself, I suppose.
Having not been successful at WILD yet, I don’t really know how to do the rolling part.
Then again, I’ve read different ways to perform the final stage, including rolling over, getting out of bed, or just waiting until your sucked or pulled into the dream.
Yes! I’m definately going to try it myself aswell… I just feel as though, if I was to roll over when i’m feeling “pulled back” then wouldn’t I fall off the bed? Lol… and only “wake myself up”?
moogle where are you + other pros!! lol explain to us how to perform a WILD!
all I know is what I have read on the forum since I have never had WILD myself
but there is a lot of advice, first hand experience etc on the forum … you just have to look for it
Well, I’ve been reading up on LDs non-stop now. My dream recal is pretty sweet, although when I look back on them, how I didn’t realise they were dreams is beyond me!
I tried again before but no luck.
I think I might be trying too hard, because I don’t usually fall asleep during the day.
lol A-J, you should probably take a step back and make this a slower process… I think it’d work better that way and it won’t stress you out as much either…
Althought, it doesn’t hurt to have LDing on your mind more often than not. I figure
NeoMarine If you are too lazy to look through the form for answers, the WILD is not a good tech for you. WILD is difficult. It doesn’t take much looking to find that out. The questions that you ask have been asked again and again here.
Here are a few quick answers:
rolling over- you roll your dream body over. If you do this too early you roll your real body over and wake up.
There are different ways to “enter the dream”. The problem is that each person must learn which way works for them. I can’t roll over. It has never worked for me. I just have to wait utill I am in a dream. Other people can “enter” the HI. I see HI, but can’t enter it. I just have to wait. There is always a shift, or short blackout that I have, then I am in a dream. If I do anything befor that, I wake up. It took a while for me to find that out, and I had the advantage that I have done a lot of meditation and hypnose befor, so I had experance with relaxing and could get to the HH state without too much trouble and was not too supprised by what happend there.
It may take weeks, or months befor you find out what works for you with WILD. That is why WILD can be so difficult. It can take a week or two befor rolling your dream body over works, or until you find out that it doesn’t work for you. If it doesn’t work, then you have to start again with a different method. So if you are lazy, stick with MILD or some other DILD tech.
hmm thanks… i was only joking about being too lazy I just didn’t figure it was much of a deal to ask the questions rather than looking for them … I did actually look through these forums and some other sites but can’t find specific things I want to know.
WILD sounds like the most rewarding kind of method so I will continue with it. It’s good to here these helpful things from you so thanks for your help don!
Yes WILD sounds very good, it is just difficult. Most people can get an LD faster with MILD. WILD can take months or years to perfect. MILD offten works within a week or two. It is just that when reading about the different techs. with WILD you go directly into an LD, and with MILD you do the tech. and hope to have an LD latter while you are sleeping. It just sounds like you have more control with WILD. The truth is that if you get good at MILD, or any other tech. you can get lots of LD’s. With WILD, you only go into one LD for each time you go to sleep, and it can take hours. With MILD or other DILD techs. you may have several LD’s for each time that you go to sleep. Lots of people work on both so that they can have more then one LD a night. It is easy to do the MILD tech. then do the WILD as you go to sleep. The WILD could interfer with the MILD if it takes too long, but if the WILD is your main tech. you are just doing the MILD to give yourself a second chance of having an LD anyway. Also as I have said in other posts, WILD when you first go to bed is very difficult, and even if it works, you may forget that it did unless you wake up directly after the dream.
So just keep trying and someday you too can be an LD pro.
I would suggest if you have your heart set on learning WILD, combine it with WBTB. I had little success with WILD going to bed at night, but I’m 2/3 for WILDs combined with WBTB (the third was an FA after lots of HI, so only a half-failure really). My first two night attempts were the best, getting vivid HI, electrical sensations running up and down my body, a falling sensation and a ‘pulling’ sensation. Since then I’ve had no luck with WILD at night. Took me a very stubborn month to get disgruntled with WILD and to try something else.
Most people go for WILD because it looks like the tech that will produce results the fastest. Unfortunately for most of us, the opposite is true. Some people are born-to-be-WILD (haha) and some have to struggle to learn it. I started out trying WILD, like you. You run into a lot of early problems like finding positions that youre comfortable in, find it hard to breath depending on position, the sound of breathing through your nose can annoy you, occasional itches, being too hot or too cold. Ugh it was terribly annoying. So much easier in the morning where your mind is still foggy from sleep and your body is relaxed from a good nights rest.
I’ve only been at this for about a year, but I can say the best way for beginners is:
to improve dream recall
practise MILD at night
practise MILD at night with WBTB in the morning
practise MILD at night, then attempt WILD combined with WBTB in the morning.
By the end of this process you’ll have a lot of success with MILD anyway and may have had a few accidental WILDs in the process. WBTB increases your chances of having an LD dreamatically (hehe i think i’ll leave this typo in). The rolling over thing never worked for me either. If I do ANYTHING before the ‘black out’ it moves my physical body and I awaken.