I have been interested in having lucid dreams for a long time, I hope this forum will give me some insight on LDs. If you would give me some simple essentials on having LDs that would be really helpful.
I have been interested in having lucid dreams for a long time, I hope this forum will give me some insight on LDs. If you would give me some simple essentials on having LDs that would be really helpful.
Welcome Duckboy, you can find lots of info here by just reading the topics of this forum!
And start a dream diary
Hey Duckboy !!!
Welcome to the LD4ALL forum and the wonderful world of dreaming!!
By reading this great forum u will learn info in No time!! I sure did! Flip throught the forum couple of times a week and if u have any questions, then ask the pros( like Jeff here ^^) and they will gladly answer them 4 u!!
My tip 4 u on having a LD is to do reality checks as often as u can during the day. This will help u do it in a dream a lot easier and unconsciously and it will also help u realize if u are dreaming or not ^^
I wish u the very best of luck on having a LD!! I know u will succeed eventually^_~ Good luck !!
Bi ~
Yeah, doing RCs often is a good way to start. Also, read a lot on lucid dreaming. If you can be bothered, then buy a book about it (or at least dreaming in general) and read it whenever you’ve got the chance. Apart from helping you learn practical things like how to get a WILD, it actually helps you LD subconsciously. You see, everything in your dreams is something you’ve thought about (or seen, or been reminded of) the previous day. So if you’re thinking a lot about LDing that day, then you will dream about it. Which doesn’t guarantee (sp?) that you’ll get lucid, but it definitely helps.