Hi, I'm new to this place


I have been interested in having lucid dreams for a long time, I hope this forum will give me some insight on LDs. If you would give me some simple essentials on having LDs that would be really helpful.


:smile: Welcome Duckboy, you can find lots of info here by just reading the topics of this forum!

And start a dream diary :wink:


Hey Duckboy !!!
Welcome to the LD4ALL forum and the wonderful world of dreaming!!

By reading this great forum u will learn info in No time!! I sure did! Flip throught the forum couple of times a week and if u have any questions, then ask the pros( like Jeff here ^^) and they will gladly answer them 4 u!!
My tip 4 u on having a LD is to do reality checks as often as u can during the day. This will help u do it in a dream a lot easier and unconsciously and it will also help u realize if u are dreaming or not ^
I wish u the very best of luck on having a LD!! I know u will succeed eventually^_~ Good luck !!
Bi ~

Yeah, doing RCs often is a good way to start. Also, read a lot on lucid dreaming. If you can be bothered, then buy a book about it (or at least dreaming in general) and read it whenever you’ve got the chance. Apart from helping you learn practical things like how to get a WILD, it actually helps you LD subconsciously. You see, everything in your dreams is something you’ve thought about (or seen, or been reminded of) the previous day. So if you’re thinking a lot about LDing that day, then you will dream about it. Which doesn’t guarantee (sp?) that you’ll get lucid, but it definitely helps.