Hey. I’ve been trying WILD recently, While I was on holiday, My parents went out and so I was on my own, So I decided to do Wild. I did it the normal way, Relax your muscles, Clear your mind of distractions, But usually, I’m always in a good mood. I closed my eyes, Counting or thinking of walking up a staircase and coutning the steps. I notice that doing it that way increases the stiffiness and twitchness of your body. Anyway, I continued to do so until my Imagry of what I was seeing came from black to blue and black. The blue kept going around as a circle, Only at the corners of my vision it was going along the border of it.
I’ve read that you start to hear things, well, when i’m fully concentrated on my counting, I hear like a loud sound, It’s very hard to describe, I immediatly change my attention to it and it stops. This only lasts for like 1/4 of a second. It’s just rather startling.
Now, To get to the question I want to ask:
After a few minuites, the blue blob that kept on going round randomly changes to VERY faint iamges, like black and white low resolotion pictures, But very blurry. I saw indian writing on the wall, Then a garden entry, then I saw a large group of housing. I wanted to see more, so i stare my attention at the HI, My vision then seems to get larger. But I realise then it’s just the wall of the room where im wilding, I get really fustrated. I close my right eye (Only eye that opens weird enough). I still see the HI, but no images. I then stop, I sit up, but the stifness of my muscles pull me back down. But after a few seconds of resting, I carry on with normal stuff.
It seems that my eyes opening is the problem.Any way to avoid this?
I have the exact same problem as you. I’ve not really completely solved it yet but I find that breathing in and out slowly, relaxing myself, sort of helps me keep my eyes closed. Good luck with LDing.
I’ve had a similar problem whilst trying to WILD, my eyes slowly open, not straight away. Though whilst previously trying to WILD my eyes started to water rather than open and brought irratation to them which reset all that work.
What do you guys think about using a bit of selotape, A tiny piece just to keep your eyes closed, like you can open them if you force them, It’s just that in WILD, their very lightly opened so it should stay closed.
I have the same problem , my eyes and face muscles get incredibly tense when trying to do WILD.
and after a while they open and are sort of feeling tierd like Ive been lifting weights with my eye muscles and can’t close , if that happens I can probably forget about sleeping for the next two hours or any dreaming
I think an eye patch like this thing people use on air planes (pardon my bad english) could work =\
The blobs and blue things you have seen were phosphenes. The loud sound was certainly tinnitus (the equivalent of phosphenes but with sound). The faint images you saw were HI.
I suppose that some WILD beginners, when they begin to see HI or very bright phosphenes, tend to open their eyes. It’s rather common on the forum and it happened to me sometimes. I would advice against using physical tips in order to avoid this, cause it just gives too much importance to a disturbing phenomenon. When you face such a little disturbing problem during WILD, just ignore it, don’t bother and focus again on your practice. If you ignore it, with experience it will disappear.
Thank you, Just one more question. Now that I see the HI, What do I do next, Continue counting? look at them? I’ve heard about making two bodys. Dream body and waking body ect. Just i’m not sure.
Say if i didn’t pay attention to the ringing sound in my ears, Would I go deaf?
No, you won’t go deaf.
I’ve heard of making a “dream body” and then to shift your conciousness into it, it’s a method for AP’ing I believe. You don’t need to do that. Just keep on counting, or if looking at the HI works better for you, then just passively watch it.
Is it a serious question or haven’t I understood some humour?
There are generally three sort of HH: visual, auditory and somestetic (I’ll explain this term later). Now it depends on what sort of HH you most often have and you’ll learn this by practising WILD. If you have HI (visual HH), just keep up counting until you get a beginning of dream you can jump into. It’s also possible to try and zoom in into the HI. But I think it depends on the person, some people have to actively zoom in or jump, some people are naturally “zoomed in” and carried into their dream lanscape.
A “dream body” is more related to somestetic HH. Somestetic HH are strange bodily sensations, like floating, falling, feeling your limbs being stretched or being in the wrong place, etc. This may be accompanied with auditory HI (WILD sounds). People who get this sort of HH generally have to spin around their axis, or roll out of their bed, or get up, etc. (of course mentally) and they find themselves in a LD. It looks more like what is called an OBE.
The principle is that when you’re in a deep hypnagogic state and thus experience strong HH, whatever they are, you’re quite already in a dream and you have to do an action in order to find yourself in a LD. But this point is the most difficult cause you have to know when to do it and what to do and it generally depends on the person.
Oh, I wouldn’t worry too much about tinnitus. I can hear it at any time if it’s completely silent around me (usuallly only at night), and once in a while it gets loud enough to become distracting in the middle of the day. Not once has it been related to an ear infection. I think it’s always there in the background, just like the sound I often hear of the blood going through my head.
altheman9993, I think it’s about the same in french. Such little noises in the ear are called “acouphenes” (thus it’s like “phosphenes” yet for the hearing) but if you search some information about “acouphenes”, you’ll got the information you’ve found, that is big troubles of hearing.
It’s because people just pay attention to them when it’s unbearable. But as Mank and Mari0mega say, phosphenes and acouphenes are white noise and they are produced either around the sensory input or during the process of the auditory/visual information in brain. It’s just like statics at the TV when there is no more TV program.