
yeah some of my firends started talking about this, so i decided to check it out.
after trying for about 2 weeks or so:ive had a round 3 experiences.
1.looked at my wallpaper and saw me…uh.
2.felt wierd and woke up straight after…again feeling wierd.
3.actually new i was dreaming, but forgot to do anything cool.

so i just wanted to know what i can do to help increase “LDs” and what the things above meant, if anything.

Don’t be surprised that you woke up. Most people do on their first few tries, I woke up on my first six or seven. Just try to stay calm. It may sound kinda cheesy, but it’s about the only way I can explain it. Try to relax, and remember to do reality checks often in the waking world so that you’ll be able to recognize the next time that you are dreaming.

I will now plug the wikibook here. The wikibook is a nice guide. It is found in my signature. It is ~20 pages, I think.

Anyway: number 1 about seeing yourself in the wallpaper. Most people here don’t interpret dreams. If you want it interpreted though, post everything you can remember in the dream and everything you remember from the day before. At least. :tongue: Pretty cool way to become lucid though!

No idea about feeling wierd. Many of us are wierd, the others just feel wierd. :wink:

Don’t worry about forgetting what you wanted to do or generally not doing anything. Think about what you’de want to do a lot the day before you have your lucid dream. Do it every day: your lucid dream always happens the following night! :wink:

(For more information about what people do in dreams as opposed to what they wanted to do, check the thread “Will vs. impulse in dreams”, in Intro or Quest.)

PS Please consider cleaning up your spelling and grammar a bit. There are people who are more lax and it wouldn’t be enforced or anything like that, but it will make your post easier to read. Thanks.

Thanks ill try that out.
I remember the wallpaper dream pretty well.
I was in my bed looking at the end of it, i looked at my door which usually is solid but here it was a mirror. At this point did’nt know I was dreaming because it felt pretty real. Next I turned over to go to sleep and saw my reflection in my wallpaper. I must have fallen into a deep sleep then, I dont remember anything else.

You actually went into a lighter phase of sleep. What happens is when your body leaves lvl 5 sleep (REM) and goes back to lvl 4, 3, 2 or 1, your memory of all of your dreams is erased. There are exceptions, of course, otherwise lucid dreaming wouldn’t exist and we’d never know about dreams at all. If you’re awakened or disturbed during your sleep you skip from level 5 directly or very nearly directly to the waking world and you don’t forget. Usually the person does remember the dream, but not the waking up afterwards. There’s a few more little explanations for some of the more odd occurances, but I won’t go into that. Anyway, when you’re preparing to attempt a lucid dream, don’t try to remember to do too much. Have a goal, but only one or two. Focus on that goal, like r3m0t was saying, and ONLY that goal. Having too many goals can confuse you and cause you to panic when you realize you’re dreaming.

Thanks again.
I have 1 more question, how do you tell yourself to look at your hands in your dream?. This seems pretty wierd to me, I’d be thankful for any insight.

By programming/practising yourself already to do that at normal waking life!