Hi (question about methods)

hey all- first post here. a little background: ive usually have vivid dreams and dont have a hard time recalling them. However, after reading up on lucidity i decided it was time to start keeping a journal so i could recognize my dreamsigns, and start having lucid dreams. I’ve familiarized myself with the methods of induction, and was wondering which ones worked best for you guys(girls) as beginners, and how often you have lucid dreams. Also, how long did it take practicing these methods before lucidity ensued?

welcome to the forums, i havent had a lucid dream yet, search around the forums, you’ll know

Yes, welsomc. :tongue:
I think beginners should all start out with Wake-Back-To-Bed and MILD in combination, plus keeping a dream journal and doing random reality checks as the day goes on. Give it about 3 weeks or so. You probably won’t get a ton of lucid dreams like this, but your chances of getting at least one are pretty good… And then you’ll be addicted like the rest of us! :help:

Yea… 3 weeks is the average for most of us. Especially if you’re new to it. Keeping a DJ is one of the most important things to lucidity, and yea… just keep going strong. Don’t think negative cos LD is all in the mind. Practice, want it, be positive, and b4 u noe it, the first LD will come.

I agree that WBTB with MILD is the best combination for starters. I still use it till today although its been a year since I started LDing. It increases ur chances of LDing by about 30%.

Gd luck! :wink:

Stay excited about it, that’s basicly the reason I got an LD in the first place, try WBTB with MILD and practice WILD now and then. As for the time it takes to LD… it depends… my friend got one after three weeks, but I got one the second night :razz:

ps. use this :nuu: smilie, it’s cool! :nuu: :nuu: :nuu: :nuu: :nuu: :nuu: :ebil: :nuu: :nuu: :nuu: :nuu:

Just do 15 RCs each day. You’re bound to find yourself in an LD sometime :smile:

Don’t overdo the reality checking, though. You might get tired of it or forget it completely. :neutral:
(When I say ‘overdo’, I mean 200 each day. It didn’t do me any good :neutral: )

I started out in March of this year. At that point I’d had about 3 DILDs in my childhood, but now I was on the warpath to learning how to do it everynight.

I kept a dream journal from March to the end of April, and practised MILD/WILD every night. After just 3 entries, my dream recall went from 0-1 dreams per night to 4-6 fully vivid dreams. I was writing up to 3-4 pages every morning (and I have very small writing). My first LD was a DILD, with full awareness (object manipulation and everything). After my first LD in late April I stopped keeping the journal out of laziness, but I kept using MILD every night.

By July I was having 2-3 LD’s per month via MILD/DILD. Then I began practising WBTB/WILD. This has by far been my greatest area of success. 2 straight up WILDs and at least 5-6 DILDs. In the last two weeks I’ve been averaging one FA, DILD or WILD every day.

The key is saturation. Get a book on Lucid dreaming and read it. Twice. Three times. Read your dream journal. Practise a few RCs a day. Make your bedroom remind you of lucidity, every night. Your study. Your car. You mobile phone.

Try to forget your phone number. Or your birthday. Or your name. Can’t? Thats how far I have engrained lucidity on my life. And it works :smile:

Hey there ggarms :welcome: I started around the end of March 2006 and I’ve had 9 LDs so far…I quit for a long while also. It took me around…3 weeks of RCs and practice to achieve my first LD (Lucid Dream) :happy: I did many RCs (Reality Checks) during the day, and tried MILD at night, I never had the motivation for WBTB (Wake back to bed) every night though. If you have motivation, you’re bound to have an LD faster than when you do it half hearted.

[color=darkblue]Concentrate on increasing how vivid your dreams are first. I didn’t do this so most of my first few LD’s were low control.

An LD is meaningless without good DR. A good point to remember.

Also I find WILD useful. I know people say it isn’t for beginners but I literally found it as easy as just relaxing while trying to stay a little aware.

After just a couple of nights doing this I had some really bizarre experiences and can now sometimes LD that way.

There is loads of advice on WILD. Just try them all and find which works best. Self hypnosis is incredibly useful if you are able to do it…

Anyway, welcome to the forum! :wave: [/color]