HoloSync Technology

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Hey everyone. I used to come here 2 years ago under the name “Him” i think it was. Anyway, i was in some chatroom and somebody told me i should check out that site i put above. It sounds really amazing. I’m skeptical of it but i ordered it anyway because it has the full refund guarentee, otherwise i wouldnt have probably. If this thing does what it says it can do than it is incredible for anyone who cares about exploring themselves. I didnt see anything about it when i searched through the pages earlier, so i figured i would be nice and show everyone. Check it out. And read the FAQs if you just want a breifer explanation.

First of all big HELLO!:)Glad you made it back:):):slight_smile:
Secondly…as im damn poor i cant order anything online but id love you to keep us posted how it works for you.
take care:)

hey man i remember you. I sent you some sex guide thing i wrote haha. Well ill let you guys know how it works, and then you can order it and send it back after the 6 months are up and get your money back. Each program only lasts 6 months and then you have to order the next level (the catch i guess)


do i want to know??? :wink:


i tried the demo. it even works, somehow. i entered a dream-like state, it was pretty nice. the guy who invented it said that it was a very little part of the thing he can offer with this program. sounds nice, maybe someday i’ll purchase it :happy:

this didn’t really work for me (the demo)

ok i cant download it :sad:

some 1 plz tell me what it was like?

Yea, that demo isnt powerful he said. He said that the real thing is much more powerful. The demo didnt do much except make me feel relaxed, but hopefully the real one really is as powerful as he says. Im still waiting for this thing to get to my house. The first check never made it so now i had to remail it.

hehe, thats what they want you to think…

I have been using Holosync Awakening Prologue and it has helped me with my lucid dreaming. It puts you into a deep meditation were you can receive the benefits of decades of miditation in a fraction of the time and helps your left and right hemispheres work together and heaps more Check out the web site Direct link removed, please don’t link directly to vendors
To see what people are saying about the centerpointe\the end program go to p072.ezboard.com/bcenterpointe . It really does work! :smile:

Expensive :wow:

Yes i know it is Expensive but if you are into meditation or want to get into it to inprove your life and have happiness and inner peace it is the way to go!! It does so many things for you, ends emotional dysfunction , creats deep lasting changes in mental, emotional and spiritual health. :smile:

Money doesn’t make you happy for long, but this does :tongue: and thats what everyone wants in there life happyness :grin:

this seems similar to “Hemi-sync” … which I have used. It’s a good relaxation tool.

The program will take about 8 to 12 years to complete the hole thing but is well worth it for the happyness you receive. :cool_laugh: I am in good financial shape so it doesn’t bother me at all at the moment. :tongue:

I visted the message board URL you posted … and noticed
“Welcome our newest member: MillionaireMentor”

Did this program affect your financial status? and if so, which year did you see improvement? :tongue:

EDIT: Hemisync also requires years to complete. … I lost commitment in about … hmmm, 2 weeks. But I still use them when I feel randy.

Have you finished the whole program?

I have not been doing this program for as long as a year and, no it has not affected my financial status. MillionaireMentor would just be a random name :smile:

No r3m0t i have just more like started :smile: