Horrible google video addiction

I think i’m hooked on google video, god it’s evil…so very evil…even eviler then wikipedia when you get lured into a trap of hyper links and more hyperlinks and things that hyper link to other hyper links and oh jesus the spirals


where do you find this google video ?


I’m hooked on google video too, but same goes for youtube, so it doesn’t really matter :slight_smile:

yes those are evil links that links to video’s of gackt

Google Video? What’s that? I haven’t been playing around with it, no. :tongue:

Wow, great to know, i found some great live shows…
Guitarists, look look at this Oo:

Childrem of Bodom… :eek: Worm, isn’t this the band with the guy who burned a church down?

Oh, wait… I think that is Burzum. Or is it? :eh:

video.google.com/videoplay?docid … lexi+laiho

Theres the guitar lesson one, he’s actually my favourite guitarist, some nice riffs :smile:

I actually use google video mainly for finding live band shows as well.

Really like this SoaD show as well video.google.com/videoplay?docid … own+whisky

i can just picture what fadems google videoing :tongue: