I hardly ever have LDs. I really hate this because there’s so much stuff I want to try, yet at this rate I won’t get to do half of it. I don’t have a whole lot of free time on my hands for lucid dreaming, especially since I’m learning to program now and that can be very time-consuming. What can I do to lucid dream more frequently? I’m willing to put some work into it but I can’t use up all of my time.
To you frequent LDers, what did you do to achieve lucid dreaming on a regular basis? Keep a dream diary? As much of a pain that would be for me, I’ll do it if it will help with my LDs. One thing I’m not willing to do is excessively perform reality checks. I am willing to do some RCs, just not a ridiculous amount of them. I want to be able to have LDs more naturally (i.e. not waking up at 5:00 AM and going back to sleep and hour later).
Anything else I can do to improve my lucid dream frequency?
Well, just a quick little pointer from me…I think keeping a dream journal is pretty necessary in order to learn LD’ing…
If I were to start over, without all the knowledge I have about LDing I’d get Laberge’s Exploring The World Of Lucid Dreaming and follow the instructions from scratch…lots of excellent tips there…
The reason why I’m not doing them is cuz I don’t have the patience to…I tried so hard to learn LDing for half a year or so, and read just about everything that was related to it…only had 2 or three, very short, LDs and ultimately gave up…
back now, though,and just started my dream journal again…have had 0 dream recall for the last 6 months, but I’ve written down 7 now, that I’ve had the two last nights…
So the first thing you do is start a dream journal, it really will get your recall up…recall is essential, no need for LDs when you can’t remember them. I’d say don’t try and LD for the first two weeks…concentrate solely on recall of non-LDs…then try and get your awareness up, lots of exercises for that in Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming…and then start trying to have LDs…
Is the only purpose of a dream journal to remember if you had an LD or not? If it actually helped me obtain more LDs I’d be more willing to give it a go, but I already remember at least 1 dream a night.
Nah, I’d say keeping a dream journal is essential to HAVING lds, not just remembering them…
It increases your dream recall, and as that increases the vividness of your dreams increases. And when the vividness increases (at least for me) your awareness increases…
Also, when you have a dream journal you can look back at your dreams, and analyse them for dream signs…
I remember, when I was “at my best”, I used to have 2 or 3 vivid dreams each night, and several non-vivid…didn’t even have to keep my dream journal…
I use my dream journal so I could reread them afterwards. If I read through my past LDs this gives me a strong motivation and intention of having one the next night.
Another thing I tried to increase my LDing is to imagine as often as possible that everything I’m experiencing at that moment is a dream. I did this as much as possible. Most of the time I just sat there and looked over the garden while thinking “what if this is a dream? I remember a dream where I sat in the same position as now, so everything I see or hear isn’t actually real” and so on… You can do this everytime you have a free moment. Just imagine as vividly as possible that everything is a dream. Nothing more, nothing less.
If you want to do this technique, you must hold on. Don’t give up if it doesn’t work after a few weeks!! It’s one of the methods of Atisha and it’s supposed to be one of the BEST methods to gain lucidity but only if you do this with great motivation and for a long time. Good luck!