Sence I satarted lds, Ive had 3.5 in the past 7 days, but my problem is, Im only lucid for about 2 minuts top, I allways forget to rub my hands togeather, is there anything I could do to make the ld longer? How long do your ld last, and whats the longest youve been in one.
The longest LD I’ve ever had is around half an hour. I never do the hand run thingy or spin around.
What I do do though, is take the ocasional RC, remind myself that I’m dreaming every now and then and consider how realistic things look and feel.
the notion that LDs are hard to stay in helps make it so.
I would first of all encourage yourself during the day that you can have long LDs, then, when lucid, it is vital to not worry about waking up… doing so will either wake you up or give you an FA and or make you lose lucidity.
the best way to stay in an LD is to be calm when you feel that you are waking up, and think about how you can stay in the dream, express your desire to stay in the dream, express your desire for high level lucidity, etc…
often times it is the act of partially waking up that helps get you high lucidity and help improve you recall in the first place
what I will do is I will feel myself waking up and I will go into this “void” where i’m not awake or asleep, and I will ask to be given a few more minutes, usually I ask for 15 minutes… then I will try and convince myself that I CAN stay lucid and stay in the dream, and I will just try and “hold onto” the dreamscape and go back in.
the more you wake up the more you will understnad what this void is like and how to get back in… and if you do wake up… DON’T MOVE, just lie there and hold onto all the dream memories, don’t acknowladge that you have left the dreamscape, try and bring yourself back into it… it’s real easy.
one trick that i used to use a lot would be that I would ask people to pull me back into the dream, if a DC wasn’t by me when waking up I would just be like “hey someone help! pull me back into the dream please!” it works really really well… but you have to NOT MOVE and still feel very connected to the dream upon waking.
it’s possible to greatly prolong your dreams, but it’s best to get “normal” sleep before you get up for the day, otherwise your brain feels kind of “drained” it’s a weird feeling… pace yourself, know when you’ve had enough and don’t be too greedy.
and yes, things like spinning, rubbing your hands, slamming yourself into a wall, staring at a wal form upclose and focusing on the details, flying… just anything with motion in general, can help you stay in the dream.
don’t use your voice when asking to be pulled into the dream, use your mind… using your voice in an ld can cause problems, and maybe make you talk in your sleep or make you suddenly find that you are unable to continue talking… but usually it’s something that you aren’t aware of (your voice that is) so it’s not an issue, but never try to consciously use a “vocal voice” per se… unless you want to experiment with it, but the main problem is it reminds you of your real body.
I have to disagree with this - I always use my voice in my LD’s and have never experinced any ill effects. I don’t find it reminds me of my body any more than using my arm or walking does (there are, after all, all parts of your body).
Using my voice doesn’t matter to me either.
well that’s interesting… i don’t usually have a “body” in a traditional sense while dreaming, it’s something I don’t usually think about or anything, but when I do it is clearly not anything that corresponds to my sleeping body.
it’s kind of like messing your breathing/eyes can mess with your real life breathing/eyes, for me the same holds true for my voice, and it can cause confusion and sometimes wake me up because my real body is trying to speak, but can’t.
i don’t know, it’s something that i usually don’t have a problem with, but sometimes i real high analytic lucidity i will, and i’ll have to make a note to use dream telepathy and stop trying to use my real voice.
the biggest reason i mentioned this was because if you are trying to re-enter a dream, you may not be in REM yet, and if you try and use your real voice to call back to a DC it can wake you all the way up, likewise, moving your body would cause the same problem, so it’s best to only project mental movements/thoughts until you get back into the dream.
i don’t usually have a “body” in a traditional sense while dreaming, it’s something I don’t usually think about or anything, but when I do it is clearly not anything that corresponds to my sleeping body.
Well, that’s interessting to me .
I’m usually quite aware of what my body is like in my LD’s.
And a fair few times I’ve been in my PJ’s (so the lack of shoes hurt my feet on the stoney road outside and it’s cold out there - though I usually ignore these feelings and they go away after a little bit).
One thing that once got me back into a LD after it fading out was to scream “increase lucidity NOW!!!” in my head And I got about 10 seconds more LD time
I find it quite amazing that just that threw me back into the LD, and it happened really fast too. And the LD was very vivid after I got back into it. So I think that just really wanting to stay in a LD will help very much.
Sence I satarted lds, Ive had 3.5 in the past 7 days, but my problem is, Im only lucid for about 2 minuts top, I allways forget to rub my hands togeather, is there anything I could do to make the ld longer? How long do your ld last, and whats the longest youve been in one.
First, don’t worry about this. Everyone has the same problem when they first start to lucid dream. It will improve in time even if you do nothing.
However, if you want some pointers on prolonging lucidity or your dreams here are a few:
The moment you realize you are dream stay calm then, do any of the prolonging techniques (spinning, rubbing your hands together, hold on to something in the dream etc) This can help anchor yourself to the dream.
Plan what you want to do in your lucid dream before going to sleep. Having down time in a dream is a sure way to loose lucidity. You want to stay engaged with the dream. If you find a moment where you are confused or are trying to figure out what to do then jump in the air and start flying around until you clear your mind and figure out what you want to do.
Yelling lucidity now or lucidity x1,000 also works well. ( I have not had any problems using my voice either) The only thing I would add is to have meaning behind your words. Don’t say “lucidity now.” Instead say, “LUCIDITY NOW.” Say it with confidence and expect your dream to comply.
Anyway these are just some quick tips. I hope they help.
BTW- Congratulations on your lucid dreams.
I tried rubbing my hands in a dream tonight. I woke up but since I was also rubbing my hands IRL it was probably only a FA Not sure what happened after that.
Another thing you can do is spin around, like spin really fast, the only downside is that you have a good chance if ending up somewhere else.
My longest LD is about 45 minutes.
You can always try to say “Stabilize my lucidity NOW” Thats what Clem tells you to do at the crossroads at least…not that iv ever been there v_v
i usually just stop time, so that it lasts as long as i want it to. I can be lucid for what seems like a month, for just a ten minute REM period.
Exactly, R3TRO.
I do the same exact thing. Its awesome.
I usually just spin. It has never failed me. Just before you go to sleep, say to yourself, “I will remember to spin this time.” And believe it. Because the irony about lucid dreaming is that if you believe it, it will happen. If you don’t, then it wont work. But using this knowlage you believe that it can happen by believing that it can happen. Lol.
it’s possible to greatly prolong your dreams, but it’s best to get “normal” sleep before you get up for the day, otherwise your brain feels kind of “drained” it’s a weird feeling
Oh. I havn’t really ever got this feeling. Although I do enjoy not being in control all of the time. Dreams can be interesting.