i have been trying WILD for sometime now, and i kinda feel like i had a few LDs, but i dont know for sure, i remember for a couple of seconds that i was in a dream and i thnk i realized i was dreaming, but i dont know for sure that i was dreaming. What if some of us here who say they havent had an LD yet have had one, but their recall was not good enough to remember it
That’s a good point; and a good reason why you should work on your dream recall.
Yes, it is said again and again, first get your DR up to at least 1-2 dreams a night, then work on LD’s. It doesn’t mater how good a tech works, and how many LD’s you have each night if you can’t remember them.
A second point to you post:
This is typical with WILD, but also happens with most techs and most beginers. The first LD’s are short, and can be unclear. You don’t need to worry about that. Just keep working at it. It is like anything new. At first it is difficult, and doesn’t work like you want it to. With practice it gets better. Your first LD’s are normaly low level LD’s where you don’t have control, and they are very short. They can also be blurry and unclear.
It is kind of like a new game. At first you have to learn how it works. You die fast, and don’t get too far. Some people are better then others, but everyone gets better the more they play. With a game, that is the most important part. Once you have learned how to win, the fun is mostly over and you want a new one. With LD’s there are no ends to the levels. Even after years of playing you still find new things to do.