At night, I try the dreaming excerize and it tells me too picture a vacum sucking out everything…and it doesn’t really work for me. I couldn’t remember my dream cause I had a couple of songs stuck in my head. Which was really dissapointing cause i’ve been remembering my dreams 4 days in a row now
So what stuff do you guys do too clear your mind from annoying songs and everything. (Except for the vacum thing )
my best advice:
while you breath just think in your head
“in, out, in, out” or “exhale, inhale, exhale, inhale”
that takes you away from everythign except 2 thoughts and makes you more alert of your body.
I just stop everything inside my head…hard to explain >_<
But yeah the post above should do =P
What is this dreaming exercice? It’s the first time I hear about this technique? What is it supposed to do?
When you wake up with a song in your head, you’re likely to have heard it in your dream. Thus try to remember your dream from this.
What Shikihe said. Also try counting on every exhalation up to ten, then start at one again. This way you have to remember what number you were on, so there’s less chance you’ll go into auto-pilot and drift off. Relax and let go of everything else.
It’s suppose to help you remember your dream. The excercice is breathe in and tense your feat when you exhale then realease your feat. Keep doing that until you reach your head.
I didn’t wake up with a song in my head. I went to be with a song in my head. I don’t even remember the song when I woke up.
Do complex thinking.
The best way to get things out of your mind, is to fill it will something that requires complex thought.
Whether you do some kind of puzzle, or just visualise a complex object, it doesn’t matter. So long as you are fully focused on this complex thing all the other junk is pushed to the back of your mind.
Once you’ve done that, it’s alot easier to quiet your mind completely.
I have one of the most entertaining and eaiest ways to get myself to sleep… Daydreaming!
I imagine myself in a sort of sitcom with me and people I have completely made up in my head living in one house. All you have to do is just visualize yourself living out life in that house, and make sure to add the “Drama factor”, like stealing boyfriends/girlfriends, mabye an emergency that puts somebody near-death, or whatever you wish! And the fun part is, your imagination runs the whole thing, so you dont have to be in a house, heck, you can be on some deserted island struggling to live, or anything! But everytime I lie down, I pick up right off where I left before I actually went to sleep.
I personally think it helps me get creative juices flowing before falling into dreamland.
For me I focus on relaxing my tongue, if a thought wanders in a imagine the thought on a piece of paper and being incinerated. AFter that I resume relaxing the tongue.
Honestly i don’t know why this works for me, just that it works very effectivly.
the best bet is to either deliberately think nonstop about things with the “voice” you use in your head… doesn’t matter what and when you run out you just keep going anyway.
or to just pay attention to the breathing and either count while you breathe, or say “in / out”
your breath can actually synch completely with the process of going in and out of sleep trances, I noticed it this morning but it was challenging to keep breathing awarely.
How do you relax your tounge?
It’s hard for me to tell my brain to shut up; even when I try the counting thing or whatever, eventually some thoughts from the day come sneaking in on me and sometimes I don’t even realize I’m drifting away from my task until I’m a few different thoughts into it…then I have to start over counting, etc…I still haven’t completely succeeded at the clearing of my mind goal.
I can’t remember where I read it but if you try to relax and when a thought comes along just to send away on a tiny puff of cloud… That sounded a bit sily to me but now I actually really like it. It helps a lot. My friend Pedro (an old member of this forum) claimed that he found an automatic way to clear his mind. He tried to “program” his brain or something so that he could always LD at will without having to use any method but it didn’t work but in the process found that he could trick himself into having a totally empty mind… He never spoke about it much though.
I think it’s better not to think about your tongue when you relax. If you do this, you’ll start to swallow.
I tried imagining different people’s voices telling me to do my reality check. It was kinda funny, some voices were funnier to imitate than others(hearing George Bush speaking Swedish in your head is trippy) Try to do as many as possible. That way, one that matters to you might turn up in your dream and tell you to RC. I don’t know if it works, since I’m a beginner in this business, but if you try it, tell me if it worked!
To clear my mind i think of a bottomless hole, whenever i have a thought, i take it and toss it down into the hole, at first you are throwing thoughts in the hole non stop, but as you continue to throw thoughts in the bottomless hole, their seems to be less mind clutter until its complete peace.
I like that, ujytre, I might try it. Does anyone else do something similar?
Yes, I’ve tried the hole idea as well and it works for me. I usually imagine a little cloud that takes each thought away into the distance. I find that easier because the clouds are less inimidating that the hole and sometimes the hole makes me think of other things (which is the opposite of what we’re wanting!) but also changing the hole into something similar works. Try thinking of a little portal or something…
There are some great suggestions here. It is interesting to hear how other people fall asleep. I read a book when I was very young that described a way to fall asleep. It has always worked for me when I just can’t get to sleep (doesn’t happen often!
). Maybe it will work for some of you.
Get into a comfortable position for sleep (some cannot sleep unless every joint is relaxed and slightly bent…but you might practice this the first time while lying on your back.) Concentrate on your toes and take a deep breath. As you breathe out, relax your toes and move your concentration to the arch of your foot…to your heels…to your ankles, etc., until you reach the very top of your scalp, relaxing each small part of your body as you exhale. Breathe deeply. If you get distracted, gently start over with your toes. Sometimes it helps to tense your feet, so you can tell when it is working.
Play with the idea for a while and concentrate. Soon you will be able to feel a sort of warmth or tingle move upward as your body relaxes.
To calm my mind, I usually try to notice my thoughts and bring them to a close. Like, I notice I am still thinking about a difficult problem I was trying to solve but didn’t succeed, so I think “I’m too tired now to find a solution, I can still solve this tomorrow.” This doesn’t always work, and I sometimes find myself picking up the thought again several times. But generally I get more quiet.
If you have trouble falling asleep, here’s another tip that helped me alot. Don’t try to force it. If you lie in bed thinking “Ah, i need to sleep now, I only got six hours and I must stand up again…” Then, when you are almost asleep, you think “Am I asleep yet?” or something equally stupid which wakes you up again.
What helped me alot is just to relax and think “OK, I’m resting my body and my mind now. If I need to sleep, I will fall asleep, and this is nothing I can control.” Try not to care if you fall asleep or not (that’s difficult, I know). Just don’t think about it.
If I manage to get this attitude, I usually fall asleep within 10 minutes.