I was just about to go to sleep and try another shot at wild but first i decieded to look around the forum for a while because im not really tired
When i wild i use teh counting method but i find my way to keep your mind busier because it takes more concentration so it will keep you from drifting to sleep.
What I do is after relaxing myself and all that, I imagin a pencil writing (not on paper but just on a blank space). And I imaging the pencil writing numbers counting up(starting with 1, 2, 3, and so on) And when im done writing one number I just imagin it disappearing then i write the next. When i do this i pay very close attention to how the pencil writes. I watch every curve of the number being written. This almost always gets me to the point with the numbness and when your eyes start twitching. I never got further than that except once where i got some Hypnotic Imagery infront of my eyes of a night sky but i didnt know what to do next and woke up.
Does anybody else use this method or something similar. What do you do when trying to wild?
Hey adg12012,
WILD is for many people pretty hard to finish, and the problem you describe sounds very familiar to me. Personally I’m not that much an expert on WILD-ing when you go to bed first time in the evening/night, so I can’d advice much but a general “keep practising and perhaps you will succeed”. However if you WILD combined with WBTB or waking up shortly duirng the night (which I strongly suggest), you should be able to drop into a LD much easier with your method. The HI’s and visions will come faster, and once they arrive try to stay relaxed and kind of pull them around you (like you step into a dream). To do this you can for example try to interact with it with you imaginative (dream)body. What I do often is, I imagine myself spinning fast around my length axis and then using this momentum after a short while to roll into a LD (by moving my dream body out of my sleeping position).
Anyway I hope this was of some use, good luck with it!
i have problems with that aswell. A few nights ago i got the furthest i ever have with WILD, and got half asleep, but then annoyingly this caused something in my SC to get exited and i couldnt cling onto the numb feeling and drifted back to conciousness.
I have the opposite problem.
Trying to do a WILD just keeps me awake.
yeah, thats what happens to me aswell, often i just lie there but on the few occasions i do get further i always end up waking up again annoyingly
Put lemon in your eyes.