how does it feel?

When you have a LD does it feel really real, as if you think “Oh my god didn’t I do this”


When I’m in full control of my LD, yes, it does feel incredibly real. (Sometimes I just let the dream play out because I’m too tired.)
But I don’t go ‘Oh My God’ because I’m lucky enough to have had them for as long as I can remember, so I don’t freak out.
However, sometimes I wake up, all excited because I tried something new, or achieved something I hadn’t done before and think: Wow, I’m going to try that again!

How can you make your dreams 100% vivid without diet etc changes.

Yes. I remember my first LD. It looked real, but it didn’t ‘feel’ real. There’s a distinct feel to dreams, like as though it’s really diffrent, very hard to explain. Everything feels so light and high. But the pshyical look of the dream is very vivid, only the RC’s proved me that it was a dream, otherwise I would of thought it was real life.

Diet changes aren’t needed.
Increasing vividness is much like focusing with your eyes in real life. if you’re looking at something a long distance away and there’s something close up, it looks blurred. You simply readjust your eyes onto the object close up and look at the detail. This improves vividness of the dream.
Rubbing hands, which encourages more ‘feelings’ and more detail to come into the dream. Like you’re really feeling the heat, the movement of your hands.
‘MORE LUCIDITY’ Is another, Just shout this out (Remember to mean it though).

Yeah, I did what altheman9993 said above. I grabbed a random object and looked closely at it and rubbed it. I was trying to see how real it could get. And I have to say it was 100%! Very cool.

It all has to do with the attention you give things, I beleive. If you take a quick look at a wall you’ll just see the wall, but if you look closely you’ll see cracks and bumps. So if you are able to focus your attetion (and your senses) on something it will literally “grow” in detail.

i think real and vivid are just how much attention you are paying

if you fast for a day or two, or go to a sweat lodge, you will notice your senses are really strong, and reality feels MORE REAL than you could ever remember it feeling

and sounds more crisp, too

i think its the same with dreaming.

i was trying to find my dream for faults and flaws, okay there was a panda bear or smoothing but, other than that it looked just like the waking world, and i didn’t really see anything changing or morphing (except the bear)

OMG fasting?
Such a coincidence because I’m losing weight for a sports competition right now and since this I’ve had multiple times realising I was lucid and waking up in one night and my first LD.

Is this because of my weight loss? (lost 5 kgs in 2 weeks :happy: )

Exactly as altheman put it. Once you become lucid, you need to just stop. Stop everything. Look around. Look closely, at everything. Of course, that in itself requires a great deal of lucidity/training. The visual vividness in LDs is fascinating. It’s as real as could possibly be.

And, again as altheman put it, the feeling is unique and nearly impossible to describe other than “light” feeling. Sort of imagine yourself standing on the moon. You could stand upright and relax at the same time.

With increasing vividness, intent is everything. You have to be damn sure about what your asking for.

That’s my problem - I need to start doing that, instead of flying away as soon as I become lucid! It feels slightly odd to me when you become lucid, but I can definitely tell as lucid dreams feel different from normal dreams. You’'ll know if you’re having one.

Yeah, you just know when you’ve got it. It’s really hard to just stop and examine your surroundings. I only managed to do it once. Course, I still have MUCH training to go.

In my dreams where i have become lucid, I woke up almost immediately. (still workin for that full blown LD :woo: ). So… In a real LD do you do anything that you want to do? is it just like IRL where you can walk around and talk to whoever you choose and do anything you want? Or do you usually follow the story line of the dream… except in your own way?

Sometimes to me ordinary dreams are so vivid that it messes with my memory… but most of the time, the dreams do have a particular texture that’s very different from waking life. When lucid, I feel it’s just real by default because I have no sense of waking life right then and there to compare the “textures” to…

My most vivid and longest LD didn’t feel very real to me.
I wasn’t fully lucid, but I was lucid enough to start to fly. I didn’t get excited because I wasn’t fully conscious of what I was doing.
I don’t know how to explain it, exactly.
It was like looking at a faded, black and white picture.

That’s how most of my normal dreams feel like.

haha, EllyEve, When i was about 7 or 8 I had a dream in which I was breathing underwater. So the next day i went to take a swim with some friends and i said “Hey guys! look what i learned to do!” I thought that i could breath underwater because I remembered it so vividly from my dream, and i thought that it happened a couple days before IRL. So of course I try to breath underwater… And i nearly drowned myself! hahaha. It was an embarrasing moment.

You win! :woo: I used to only discreetly check if I could levitate “that day” before I figured out the difference, but in second grade I dreamed of a classmate telling me the costumes for the Christmas pageant had changed to blue-and-red with elfine shoes instead of all white with snowflake patterns, so I passed it on to my mom, and … I’m still a little embarrassed, but it doesn’t seem so bad now. :tongue:

I’ve never had a black-and-white dream… I had a nightmare through a red haze once, but they’re usually as vivid as the colors I see awake. And, everything pop psychology says you can’t do in dreams (read, feel pain, smell things,) I’ve had happen a lot… I especially want to kick the person who says you can’t feel pain in a dream! But I guess it depends on the person…

Hah, the first lucid dream I can remember was, I believe, me flying (you know, that thing almost everyone does with their first LD.) That being the case, I spent most of the next day jumping down my stairs and hopping all day, trying to recreate just jumping up and zooming off again.

As for feeling in dreams, I generally feel, smell, see in color (usually the color is a LOT stranger than anything in reality) and oh yeah the pain. Ow, the pain. Pain’s usually dulled a TON though, like me getting shot in the chest, and every time it happened it felt more like someone poking you with a pencil just hard enough to break skin. I honestly don’t know if I can read in dreams, I NEVER see text for some odd reason…though thinking about it I have seen a few billboards, signs, etc. that looked normal.

Ah that very first time when you realize your dreaming…oh it was truly the most exciting moment of my life, and I wasn’t even awake for it!