Hello everybody. I was just wondering how fast the change from normal dream to lucid is. Like, are you somewhat lucid when you’re doing your reality checks? Or are you in a normal dream until you ask yourself “Am I dreaming?”
You may be in a ND, perform a RC without knowing you’re dreaming and realize you’re dreaming. You can suspect you’re dreaming because something strange happened, perform a RC and fully realize you were dreaming. You can reach lucidity without having doing nothing. For instance, you fly, then you realize you’re dreaming.
Sometimes, you reach lucidity very quickly. Sometimes your consciousness increases slowly in your dream until you become fully lucid. So there is no systematic answer to your question.
Okay, thanks though, Basilus West. I appreciate it. But like I heard from a LD site that there’s a very high-level lucidity were the second you start dreaming, you’re lucid. So would that technically be the same as just being up all day? Since you don’t actually have any ND…