how lding has changed your life

moved from gathering forum :moogle:

Hi! Its been ages since my last post and for those of you wondering who I am, my name used to be LucidStudent. Anyways, something about the autumn air reminded me of the hours I used to spend on this forum reading (and sometimes making) posts. In retrospect I can really say that lucid dreaming had a profound affect of my life (and I’m not trying to sound cheesy). It introduced me to the truly mysterious nature of the human mind and its many related topics especially those in the realm of psychology and philosophy. It made me realize (in the most direct and interactive way possible) that hidden within me exists a world of unlimited of possibilities. It has given me a completely different way to view the world. I swhere it did. And I only spent a few months at a time seriously trying to lucid dream. I know that rededicating myself is a seriously good idea.

…can anyone relate?

btw this site is FREAKING AWESOME. I really like the new intropage thing.

I know how you feel :smile: learning about dreaming and becoming Lucid has really inspired me to do more things. It’s a little hard to explain, but I feel a little more enlightened…but a slightly bit more insane :tongue:

nice to meet you Melissa, :happy: I noticed we have some stuff in common: we’re both 16 and live in the states - yay!

back on topic, I too sort of feel that my sanity has been compromised. lol. I made the mistake of trying to explain the iea to a few of my friends. Now everyone thinks I’m crazy. Though I must admit the whole concept is pretty unbelievable.

People always thought there was something crazy about me. :tongue: Lucid dreaming just made it slightly more apparent.

Lucid dreaming changed my life in a great way!

1.Okay, I used really depressed before. It got really bad. It led up to me cutting as a way to relieve stress. Lucid dreaming helped me stop that! :happy:
Now I just take out my anger or relieve stress (in a variaty of ways) in my dreams. Problem solved!

  1. It got rid of my fears. I only have one left which I’m going to get rid of maybe tonight. By confronting my fears in my dreams, I’m no longer afraid of those huge mosquitos and daddy long leg spiders.

  2. It’s benefited me in my artistic skills. I’ve already composed two songs from my dreams and have a ton of ideas for paintings based on the scenery and characters.

  3. It’s shown me that there’s still more in life that I’ve yet to ecplore. Just so many possibilities. It’s also shown me to pay attention to the little things in life, nature, etc.

  4. It’s just a fun new hobby! ^^

thats what i’m talking about!
luicid dream therapy - it will change the world :tongue:

I remember you LucidStudent :grin:

As for Lucid Dreaming, it’s changed my perspective on certain things before (subjective reality for one), and it continues to shape my views today, though, not as much as before since I don’t have as many lucid dreams any more.

I think I ended up here by accident, but it’s one accident that I won’t regret making. Ever since I began LD-ing I’ve gained a newfound perspective on how my mind works(how I percieve the world through my senses mostly). Also I love playing around with my mind when I’m falling asleep or dreaming, it is just so neat. LD-ing has helped me appreciate how truely facinating the brain is.

Agreed on all points :yay:

Hmm, what has lucid dreaming done for me? It has…

*Given me seven years of fun and excitement.

*Inspired me to pursue important goals.

*Taught me to value my subconscious and the inner-workings of the mind.

*Helped me to understand myself better.

*Given me the chance to fly, something I’ve craved my whole life.

*Allowed me to find my soul mate.


reading these posts make me wonder,

Will lucid dreaming dreaming ever “catch on” as a popular activity once its recreational and therapeutic value is fully realized by the world? Is it just a matter of time?
Or will it remain arcane?

I believe that with the help of a little more coverage (I was thinking of a documentary film that addresses the topic to its entirety) and better availability of nova-dreamer like tools, lucid dreaming will eventually (within the next 10-30 years) become BIG. Who knows, maybe it will revolutionize psychoanalysis, psychotherapy, cognitive science, what ever. Maybe we will remember these times as the very beginning of the lucid dreaming “movement”.

Hi :smile:,

Thats what i also thought about and it really sounds desireable, but at the same time i realise that many people (maybe it just depends on my envoirenment (small town, quite rural)) are quite narrow minded when it comes to things like lucid dreaming.
Some really say, that they do lding since they were children, but didnt realize what potential it had, and others just dont want to hear it, and seem kind of frightened. Moreover there are even really good scientist who deny the existence of Lding.
I think that theres are lot of work to be done. I mean, there are cultures (like Tibethan Buddhists or The Senoi) which seem to have lding fully integrated in their everyday life, but I think that the western society is not yet ready for that kind of tool. It just doesnt fit in people´s way of life which is much too fast. Most people (myself included) have lost the concentration on their own mind to control their lifes (and with it the lifes of their fellows) much better. Lding certainly could be a way out of this.
And i hope that i am wrong in thinking that “western society” wont get used to lding widely in the near future. :razz:

hi orgy, welcome to the forum :smile:

What you say is true: the idea of lding only sounds appealing to certain people, while the rest consider it new-agey, frightening, or just plain impossible. I guess it really does depend on the type of person you are…

But still! Lucid dreaming allows you to do what ever possibly imaginable. Who can turn that down? If there were cheap,reliable, and easy to find lucid dreaming tools like nova-dreamer, and if most people were at least aware of lucid dreaming, can’t you imagine some serious results?

Oh i almost forgot,Orgy, how can there still be scientists who believe lding is absolutely impossible?

Ok, first off I’m somewhat new to this dimension (Only two lucid dreams where I haven’t woken up immediately after becoming lucid) But I gotta say it truly is amazing.
More than anything it’s made me place more importance on my dreams, and trying to think about what they’re telling me. I’m using parts of my dreams as inspiration for my writing, now. And it’s taught me that anything really is possible.
I mean, I can fly…and make out with Lana (don’t ask)

I think LD has the potential to catch on and do a lot of good for whoever catches it. However, I hope that it’s not because of “tools” like the nova dreamer or lucidity express or whatever they are called. I think the real help of lucid dreaming comes from the conscious pursuit of lucid dreams. Technology makes many things just too easy. Life’s a journey…

I can’t say it has changed my life too much. I’ve earned a new nickname(“the mythomaniac”) after telling someone about sleep paralysis(well, one day they’ll see :content: ) and I’ve had some fun times, but not too much apart from that. It has lead me to questioning reality a bit, but not much more than I did before. :peek:

Now everyone thinks I’m crazy

You say that like it’s a bad thing! I am insulted. jk, but I told my friends about LDing and nobody cared except one. Now we’re hooked on trying to achieve lucidity. He doesnt go to these forums, but I tell him all the new researches and techs

I would say LDing has had a major impact on my life I have put it to great practical use, I use it to practice things like a presentation so that I am presneting in front of “people” and I use it for sports because not only is it a wonderful visulization, your body actually sends the nerve impulses to perform the action. Finally it has saved my life several times by allowing much needed extra study time for tests.

It’s funny, I did a presentation on lucid dreaming in a class once and people were like, hey thats kinda cool, but they don’t really get interested…to me thats just mind-boggling

I know exactly what you mean. It’s like either a person is really, really interested, or they don’t care at all/think you’re crazy :eek:

lol,i told a couple of people about lds, and they were convinced by me,but when i told them i havent had a lucid dream yet,they laughed and said im playing around wid them.

I will say that my study of lucid dreaming has definitely opened my eyes on how I view life, reality and the universe, as well as the inner universe. Such a basic and easy ability that is present in every human being, and can be cultivated with comparable ease for so much benefit.

One thing i am truly grateful for in my study is that I understand sleep so much better now, why we need it, how much we need, the circadium cycle and just dreams in general. Its made me a much happier person, and people often comment on how insightful I am on the subject.

Having my own personal doorway to a world of fantastic wonder and possible shared dreaming is just incredible to me too.