how long does it usually take in WILD?

yeah, could someone please give me an estimation of breath counts until i’m under?

that is really a very subjective thing, and quite different for everyone, as some people might fall asleep in 5 mins. and other people 2 hours. not to mention that you may be more tired some nights than others. try not to concentrate on falling asleep too intenesly, it may actually make it take longer.

It takes too long for me so I’ve switched to MILD (with a good degree of success).

I know with wild it’s diferent for everyone, but how would one NOT focus to hard? It’s not something I can really do… I either don’t concentrate enough (VERY rarely, pretty much ONLY when Ive stayed up all night) or I concetrate heavily. Ive tried to reduce thining to one thing but my mind either wanders or I end up concentrating a lot again…

Last night I managed to fall asleep while attempting a WILD for the first time (without staying up till exaustion put me to sleep) but it was after a long while (atleast felt like it) and it was AFTER I got the falling sensation…

Also, Suposedly the falling sensation can link to a LD, but how would that work? I don’t hear noises and I barely visualise anything more then coloured specs… The only way I could think of is the falling way…