How many attempts were needed to perform ur first WILD??

Hey guys, I tried WILD 3 times and no success, a question for experienced WILDers:

How many attempts were needed to perform ur first successful WILD??

I’m getting close to my first WILD. But i’ve tryed around 40 times. But everytime, I learn more about it and i’m adapting new techniques.

Each person is different, which means each attempt is different, you are the only one who can answer this question…

About 10, one important thing for me was a balance betwen too much concentration which prevented REM and too little where I would slip into a daydream state.

I took about two weeks. I figured out just how much better WILD will work with WBTB as opposed to without, which was probably my biggest problem…

I’ve been trying for months… :bambi:

If i had have tried to count, I would have lost count.
That’s because I never did WBTB and I have still never done it from when I first go to bed.

ive been trying for about 2/3 months :bored:
its getting kinda frustrating so i might stop trying for a while…

My first experience with WILD was in my second night after coming back to the LD Journey (hehhe)

Somehow I woke up at the middle of the night and I felt very tired to recall my dreams, so I’ve decided to sleep again… But I still conscious, thinking about my loss! (on Dream Recall, hehehehe) I felt my body going to a numb state and I started to hear a VERY loud and realistic sound! I thought that I was the sound’s source!! I couldn’t move! So I get too scary and after many attempts to move my body, my counscious came back and I woke up!!

So guys, what happened? I got close to a WILD??

My Dream Recall is not so good yet, About 1-2 dreams (sometimes only frags) per night! So what do you recommed for me: Keep moving on WILD or just try other easier method like DILD and MILD? (I have 2 LDs so far)

I can’t echo this enough. I spent a month of trying WILD when I went to bed at night, very little success.

The first time i tried WILD with WBTB I had a 100% fully aware transition from awake->lucid dream. The second time I nearly got it, then I FA’d into a dream when I told my girlfriend about my failed WILD attempt…

WBTB is the greatest combo-tech of the game.

Nice job Alextanium!! :happy:

So, do you recommend me to try WILD + WBTB??
Did you have you “dreamed” LD after this ultimate WILD + WBTB??

Was it better (more real )than your others LDs?

WILD is ineffective without WBTB because of the sleep cycle. Intially in the first cycle at the beginning of the night you have lots of delta sleep which is similar to coma. The main problem with Delta is that dream content isn’t reported and you can’t remain concious.

Inability to Remain Concious + WILD Attempt = Failure (because WILD is all about conscious entry into the dream state)

Man, my first WILD was almost succesfull, I felt like I was spinning in the hypnogogic state (very common), I kept on hearing loud realistic sounds like buzzing swishes almost like someone swinging a light-saber but more peircing, I was fully conscous, paying full atention to everythng, I saw myself on a starcase, walking dow it, I was almost dreaming at this point, then there was a door at the end, I opened it and inside was an old pub that looked like it was from the middle ages, I was fully lucid but the second I stepped in the door I lost it. I didn’t try a WILD for a long time after that. My second one worked and I didn’t even try, I think that was the key, (PS: I had three LD’s that night but only one was a WILD) I wasn’t even paying attention in the hypnogogic state this time, I was just trying to sleep, at the last second i felt really wierd, I reallized I was in the hypnogogic state and about to fall asleep, then all of the sudden I felt like I was spinning again, everything turned blurry and blue, I was thinking to my self completeley conscously “where am I?” when everything cleared up I realized I was under water, I was fully lucid and I swam up to the surface, on some sortof beach, that dream lasted for days (It felt like) but I won’t get into details since this isn’t a topic about duscussing LD’s. That wasn’t a WBTB either, just a normal WILD.

So it took me 2 tries to have my first succesfull WILD.

I don’t get it… Whenever I try WILD, it’s usually when I’m first going to sleep. I mean, I had success on my first try without WBTB. Then again, I get hallucinations easilly so that might have contributed to it.
But I don’t understand, I barely ever use WILD with WBTB.

And congrats Gyth for being so successful on the technique.

So you are able to consciously enter the dream state without having had any sleep? I’m afriad that stumps me.

Thanks, you too

My first WILD was upon going to sleep at the end of the day as well, you’re saying you’ve NEVER had a WILD with out WBTB? That stumps me

Wyvern und Gyth, it is true that some people can do WILD when going to bed and enter a dream directly without having any sleep before doing the WILD. This is not very widespread. Most people have to go through a deep sleep cycle first. Even some of the people who can go directly into a dream have very poor recall and fuzzy dreams when they do dream right after going to bed. For most people dreams with good recall and clarity only happen in REM sleep which normaly starts after about 60 mins. of deep sleep. Sleep normaly goes through aprox. 90 min. cycles with the first being mostly deep sleep and the last being mostly REM sleep. That means that WILD has a much better chance with WBTB, when the wakeup is timed to happen durring long REM sleep later in the night.
Like just about everything that has to do with sleep, dreams and LD’s it depends on the person, and there is a lot that is not known yet. The science of sleep is still very young. It is relativly easy to see when REM occurs because of the eye movements, but even that has not been known for very long. :wink: Some of you young people here may just be the ones that answer many of the questions that we still have about all this. :cool: So keep dreaming and keep asking questions and enjoy what you can do. :grin: