I wanted to make this a poll, but I guess I don’t have the rights to do that.
<Mod Edit: I added on a poll for you >
If this is the wrong topic, mods please move it.
The question I’m asking isn’t just how many people do you know who LD total (or are into LDing whether they’ve actually had one yet or not), I mean how many people do you actually know personally, as in not online friends and acquaintances but people you actually interact with in your day-to-day environment, i.e. a family member, roommate, coworker, friend, etc.
My answer: zero. My boyfriend isn’t interested, my friends and family members aren’t interested, and my one friend’s girlfriend is sort of into dream interpretation and she keeps a sporadic dream journal but that’s it so that doesn’t count.
I think it would be interesting to see just how many people here know someone else in their life who’s into LDing (not someone you met in this forum, either, you had to know them first).
A year ago my friend and I decided to “dive into LD” together. It was like a project, but she lost interest in a few days. After a while I lost it too. (I got it back she didn’t)
So my answer was zero.
A big fat frustrated 0, Ive tried talking a few people into it, so I could have someone outside the web to talk to about the dreams, in hopes it would help me LD more, but nobody seems enterested. So we are all alone in lucidville.
none, but some of my friends are mildly interested…
One I told actually had one and he said it was a really weird but cool experience. But he didn’t want to make an effort of learning how to get them more frequently…
One natural and one highly spiritual dreamer who has LDs as a side effect of his spiritual practices. One other has had some LDs but never paid really attention to them…
2 of my friends that are brother and they have LDs naturally, but only about 1/month. I’ve been trying to get one of them to borrow EWLD, but he’s too busy right now to read it. But he says he will borrow it when he has the time
My friend just a little bit. She had 1 LD and she tried to have more with me, but I don’t think she still does it. She was very entousiast so maybe in the vacation she trys it again (with me).
Another person I know is not really LDing. He doesn’t sleep good these times, but he use to do LD. But I don’t know for sure.