I dream about dreaming… I wake up and am in my bed dreaming it was just a dream, not knowing that I am still dreaming, then I wake up again, sometimes 4 or 5 times. Now I am able to get wake myself dreaming froms cary situations but not physically wake up, but just wake up dreaming from another dream.
Yes I think this is common, I’ve had situations too where I had several FA’s without realizing it. The trick is to realize it is a FA so you can become lucid. Performing RC’s at wakeup is a great tool for achieving this.
False awakenings are very helpfull. Best way to get lucid in my opinion. From my grand total of 3 lucid dreams, all of them I became lucid in or near my bed.
i FAed about 5 - 20 (it seemed like a lot whatever it was) in rapid succession once… it was so disorienting that i didn’t even know who i was or what my room was like for a while.
freaky but fun…
(i wanted to have an OBE, so I was trying to return to my body, it is AMAZING HOW YOUR MIND KNOWS EXACTLY HOW TO LULL YOU INTO A FALSE SENSE OF SECURITY)
you FA, and you’re like this isn’t my room! so you FA… and you’re like, I’m still dreaming! so then you FA into a new bed, like at your grandmas, a bed you are used to but don’t currently have, and you’re like AHHHHH I went to sleep here, that makes sense…
becuase… it’s like, you keep waking up in your room so much, but still think you’re dreaming, that if that doesn’t take your lucditty away it just tries to lure it out of you by giving you that rapid scene change that you believe to be necessary to wake up… breaching dream and real life
I really haven’t had a false awakening recently. It used to happen a lot when I was younger with recurring nightmares. I’d wake up, only to be pretty much screwed, as I didn’t really wake up and the monster/whatever was right there.