How much of a dream do I have to remember?

If I’m in the point were I’m starting my DJ and want to remember at least one dream per night, how much of the dream do I have to remember?

All of the dream? Or one part of it?

How do I know if I really remember all of it or only one part of it?

Should I jot down the main points only of the dream? or write a paragraph?

Thanks in advanced, and peace.

If you are consistently remembering one dream per night vividly then you are in excellent shape. A fragment per night average probably isn’t as good as you want it.

I have read about LD before but haven’t dedicated the time to do the DJ and such. I usually remember fragments; as far as I can recall they are only fragments.

How would I know when I actually remember a whole dream? How do I know that I remember the start of it and the end of it? What parameters should I use to know the start/end.


You only have to remember as much as you want to. If you’re satisfied youre satisfied. But if you want to improve just try to remember more and write down more, it encourages dreamrecall. As for how much you have to remember in order to have lucid dreams, it can be anything, but the more the better.

You can’t really tell if you remember the entire thing unless you remember when the dream began and ended and what’s inbetween. That’s usually depending on how conscious you are. For instance, I never usually remember the moment I wake up, but when I am lucid and wake up, I remember every time. If you were conscious from waking to dream (WILD) you will probably remember when and how the dream begins.

What I meant by fragments is remembering like a little 15 seconds portion of a dream. If you remember enough to have a coherent plot of what is happening that is good enough recall, especially if it is vivid. Chances are if you remember 5 minutes of a dream there is going to be some sort of a plot going on, wheres if you remember a small fragment it might just be you talking a couple steps up to your house.

Ok, every day that goes by I’m more conscious about my dreams and remember more and more.


I love to sleep, so at night when I wake up and remember a dream I’m too lazy to write it down I prefer to continue sleeping instead of taking the time to write it down. Any suggestions for this?


I’m the same way. I’m usually too tired to get up and write down my dreams in the middle of the night, especially long dreams. If I did take the time to write them down, I’d be too wide awake to fall asleep again easily.

What I usually do is try to replay what I remember in my head… it isn’t as reliable as actually writing down dreams, but it helps me remember them until I’m ready to write them down. If you imagine yourself going through the dream again a few times, it should help you remember it more easily later. You could also think of how you’d write it down if you were writing it in your DJ. Like I said, this isn’t completely foolproof, but it’s better than falling asleep without paying any attention to remembering your dream(s) for later.

If you can be motivated to do just a little writing, it might help to write down a few key words of your dream before drifting back to sleep. Then, you can hopefully associate these words with the rest of your dream later.

It will help to write down everything you remember even if it is just a feeling or a colour.

I personally found it very helpful to just write down keywords. This was enough for me to remember and recreate the dream upon reread.

I ussually can remember anywhere from 1-5 dreams per night but ussually remember 2 or 3. When i have to write it down i try really hard not to forget them or I just write a few quick key words.