do you guys LD when ever you want??? like everynight?? i wanna do that…

you really could have found that out by reading a little on the forums here, but for the sake of simplicity…

for most of us, the answer is no. most of the people that know about lucid dreams dont have the skill to get LDs on command. there are some who have reached that level of skill, but most of us can’t claim that luxury. for the vast majority of lucid dreamers, the only way to even have a chance of getting lucid is by doing lots of RCs, keeping a dream journal, and doing all sorts of induction techniques, such as WILD, WBTB etc. doing this vastly improves your chances of success, but does not guarantee lucid dreams every night unless you become highly skilled with some of these techniques.

it is also worth noting that some get lucid without any work at all, in otherwords spontaneously. i am one of those people. this is not a good path to be on for a beginner though, since it makes LDs a rare thing, unless you have monumental amounts of luck.

as for the every night part, that’s a no. only a very small amount of people get LDs every single night, for a period of more than a couple weeks. some get multiple LDs in a single night, some get LDs for a week straight, but getting LDs every night for months on end is hard even for the accomplished lucid dreamer.

lastly, the “i wanna do that” part. if you do, then you will likely need to do alot of work, and have lots of patience. i firmly believe that anyone can reach that high a level, but the amount of work needed to reach it is pretty high. you can find all the info you need to get you started on this site and the forums, so i would suggest your first task be to read. a whole lot.

btw. welcome to the forums :cool:

My best results were about 8 LD’s a month.

Not every night… During my peak i had around 1 ld every second night. But as of the last year i have been in some kind of dryspell and only had a LD once a month or so on average.
The odd thing is that the frequensy of them went way down when i moved to a new house. No other habits have changed since.

Tomas, yours went down when you moved to a new house, most of the material I have read says that changing to an unfamilar enviroment improves your chances of LD.

I might just have to do an experiment.