How often should I read my D.J.?

I get really awesome dreams and I want to remember them for as long as possible so I read it at least once a day.
Should I be doing this more often?

I don’t know if it matters. I (the novice here) see the DJ as a scrap book of my adventures in a non-physical world. So I guess how often you look back on your adventures would depend on how much you want to.

Anyone have a different take on this? =0)

Personally, I never read my DJ, so it’s really up to you. In fact, lately I haven’t even been writing in it as often as I “should.”

gasp Ooooh! You might end up regretting that…

Reading your DJ is a good way of re-identifying dream signs, and also just for fun ^^

I reread my virtual DJ today for the first time since it was started—a year ago. Totally worth it.

If your goal is to remember the dreams vividly, it’s up to you—people’s memories work differently. I have an eidetic memory, so you see—as I said, today it was the first time in a year that I reread most of those dreams, and I could remember them in clear detail, the feelings the people, everything…

If your goal is self–knowledge, I recommend you reread a week worth of posts every weekend and try to make some sense out of them. That’s more than enough.

I’ve been keeping a DJ fore more than 3 years and I read it yestarday for the first time. The strange thing was that I remembered every single dream perfectly well, so I don’t think it’s that easy to just forget the dreams if you don’t read them :smile:

I try to read DJ once a week to identify new signs and to recall old good signs. Also you right, if you wrote dream in DJ it is likely for you to remember it. What DJ helps is to recall it by just reading f 1-2 first stances. BTW, how much do you guys write in DJ, I usually do 1-2 paragraphs, is it normal?

I don’t spend much time on my dream journal actually, as I don’t see it as a goal in itself, but just as a means. I write my dreams down in about 4 or 5 lines usually. And then after a while I can extract recurrent dream signs, and count how many lucid dreams I had and if I’m making any progress.

That’s about it :smile:

(Well, seldomly I like to reread my dreams just to relive them in a daydream, especially the lucid ones :razz:)

I read it when I’m bored. But only when a long time has passed. Then I go all like “Oh yeah, I remember that one! It was so and so, and then it went like that and that”. It can be quite fun.

More often than once a day? Umm, nope. You wanna read them morning, noon and afternoon? :tongue: :wink:

When I don’t feel like typing my dreams then I just type it in point form. But if it is a really good dream then I type every single tiny detail and end up with a quarter of page.

I usualy write a summary of the dream, because my dreams are really really complicated and weird… :grin:

write in youre dj

you end up regretting not doing so.

Ive got first hand info :help:

I write, just not so often because I can’t in scool days and my dreams are way too complicated to write.


WBTB really removes the trouble of schhol days hehe.

But by god, im lazy :sad:

You might want to be careful about reading over your dreams as often as you do - I once did that, and then I got so sick of them that I didn’t look at them for years. If you only read over them occasionally - say, once every couple of months - then you won’t get bored with them as soon.