I mean like if I touch myself (and I don’t mean that in a sick way ) would it feel like it would feel if I was awake? Would I be able to feel pain?(and yes I want to, I want it real as possible) Basically could it be another life except for the fact that you can do anything? Sorry of the newbie questions but i’m still new at this.
Yes. If you are lucky (and with practice), your LD might be as realistic as real life. I once had a realistic dream like that, and it was great. I decided to jog a little bit, and I could feel my shirt flapping, the strain on my muscles, the wind in my face etc. When I tried talking, I could feel my voice vibrating. I’m not very good at visual imagination so that part was a bit low on detail. But some people on this forum wrote they had LDs that seemed even more detailed and clear than real life. And yes, you can have pain in LDs if you want to, but it might feel different than in real life. There’s already a topic discussing that somewhere in this forum, you might want to search for it.
I just had a dream yesterday that was so realistic that even when i was sure i was dreaming i still wanted proof. And checked my hands several times without result. I remember thinking that logically this must be a dream but it seems so real. Everything I observed was screaming REAL. The only thing wrong was that the sun was in the wrong place for the time. other than that only the events before I tried to prove I was dreaming was actually strange.
Yes you can feel pain. once i did. It hurt but only for a second. no lingering pain or discomfort. I realise my dream was not fully tactile wich i guess is what you asked for. Dreams can be that though, don’t fret. You’ll soon smell and taste and feel in your dreams.
Will you be able to think the same way as you do in real life?
If you are conscious enough, then yes, you can think like you were awake.
dreams are not real life though.
it’s not good to turn into an escapist.
They’re not real life, but still fun to have every night or so.
Conclusion: Dreams can be so real, as you can imagine it.
Most of my LD’s are as vivid as in real life. If I stuck a sword through myself it would hurt and everything (unless I knew it was a dream and wasn;t going to hurt at all). Sometimes I have LD’s that are more vivid than real life, by this I mean color, sensation everything in heightened and sharpened
LDs can be as vivid as real life, or even more real than real life, or at least, seem that way. In one of my lucid dreams, I slapped someone and burnt their face? your imagination is the limit, so whatever you believe is possible can happen. If you think you can slap someone and knock their head off it will happen
Sometimes you can think better in your dreams (clearer) kinda like meditation. Or for me, I can remember any dream I ever had while lucid, but when I awake, I only remember dreams I recently had or while I was lucid , ones I particularily recalled.
I have no idea of how powerful the human mind is, but how I think of it - when you’re awake, you’re contantly processing information that your senses are receiving. The human mind is not built to cope with sensory or information overload (i.e., if you walk into a library, you don’t suddenly collapse ). Your mind just has to interpret it.
However, in a dream, you have to ‘spoof’ this information that your senses would normally recieve, effectively doubling the load.
I’ve had many vivid dreams myself, with so much fine detail - so it’s probably possible to have the same aesthetic detail you would normally encounter in real life, wether that be visual or otherwise. However, detail of senses is greatly different from your feeling of presence, which is what many people use as the distinction of wether they are dreaming or awake.
I don’t understand what people are saying. My dreams are obviously 100% identical and exactly as real as real life is. When I am awake in real life my brain takes data from my senses and makes this virutal world that is how I interact with the real world. When I’m dreaming my brain takes the data from my mind (rather than my sences) and makes the virtual world again. It doesn’t matter if you are dreaming or awake, you always experience the world in the exact same way. I do anyway…
This thread has really confused me.
A lucid dream (or normal dream) can seem as real as reality. If you pay attention in the dream world and observe things the way an artist might, you’re likely to find that the level and quality of detail are amazingly high. Because a dream is basically a rehash of old memory schemas (very generalized perceptions of how the real world works), everything pretty much appears the way you’d expect it to. Next time you’re lucid, I highly suggest spending a few minutes just experiencing the dream world. It’s pretty amazing what your brain can come up with subconsciously.
I still don’t understand. It is amazing what your brain can come up with in a dream but isn’t it the exact same as when your awake? Your brain creates extremely real visuals and sounds etc during your dreams. The brain takes the signals from your mind and creates the dreamworld. Doesn’t the brain do the exact same thing when we are awake? Doesn’t it just create a world using info from the senses rather than the mind?
Faisal…It’s Real…It’s so real, i have had plenty of lucid dreams wasted because i would think ‘Am I dreaming?’ Naahh, no way, this is too real! Yes it is that real. if you touch something and expect to feel pain, you WILL.
In answer to your question light-and-dark,
yes and no.
to some extent it is the same, however IRL your mind is trying to match what you “see” and “feel” to the real world out there. There are lots of things that would not be good IRL. If you keep walking into walls because you think that there are doors, or if you try jumping off a tall building to fly IRL that would have very bad results. Your mind knows the difference and can cut some corners to save work making the dream somewhat unreal, leaving out details, or it can be more real with lots of details that you don’t notice IRL because you are busy dealing with everything, or just the things that you think are important at any one time. Generaly dreams are seen as being less real then life, but they can be just as real as life, then as you say the brain is doing the exact same thing with the data, it is just comming from a different source.
haha, i can’t wait until i get to this stage of lucid dreaming - life-like vividity and LDs at will - it will be like a life where you never rest. real life in the day, LDs at night.
if i ever do
Well strictly speaking that is not true, you only dream some of the night, so there is some rest.
On the other hand, if you could have one of those 100 year dreams every night, then you would be living a new life every day. Now that would be something.
I have had LD’s that were so real that when I decided to fly, it felt like the opposite of gravity similiar to the experience you sometimes get on a rollercoaster IRL. Also I have been in a boxing match in a dream before and I got hit by the other boxer and it hurt not only in the dream, but when I woke up, not only from his punch but I tried to hit him and ended up hitting the wall next to my bed.
Though sometimes when |want to see my hands in LD’s I see my hands and more, I once saw my hands as most people have never seen them. I saw them without bones nor skin just veins and bloodvessels. which meant I could see thru my hands.