Questions splitted from the BIG “Was this a LD?” topic
Hi, there…
When I was a kid I was able to completly control my dreams, it was like watching somthing on windows media player, being able to stop, pause, rewind but also change things as it went, genrally it was 3rd person type view but sometimes 1st. When I went to sleep I would just run a “story” in my head and continue on with it while a sleep. This stopped as I hit about 16, but occasionaly I get a bit of it.
I was wondering on how I may be able to get that element of control back.
Also I am a Martial Artist and I find that in my sleep I punch, kick and somtimes block…is there a link…or what is this?
I prefered split your questions cause they are likely to be unanswered in the BIG “Was this a LD?” topic cause it’s not exactly what you’re asking.
It seems that you had at least controlled dreams, or perhaps LD’s. I suppose that if you had this gift, it will be easier to you to practice LD’ing. I think that you have to practice LD’ing methods to get this control back.
I suppose you make a sudden movement then you wake up? Recently, I punched a bedside table cause I dreamt I saw a shark. I imagine that, as the sleep atonia which prevents us from acting our dreams can stop a few seconds after we wake up - and it’s the SP trouble - it can also stop too soon, a few seconds before we wake up.
I’m also a martial artist, and I guess we dream most about what we commonly do or think about. At least for me. Sometime I wake up with a sudden jolt of body movement, its just natural sometimes. Though, I don’t think punching your bedside table and mistaking it for a shark it natural
I didn’t punch my bedside table very hard so it didn’t hurt.
I didn’t mistake it for a shark. I saw a shark in my dream and I remembered you have to punch it on the nose to make it flee. Then I punched it on the nose and I woke up cause I punched the bedside table indeed. By chance, there was nobody with me in bed!