How to do to wake up after a dream?

I’m going to practice this, combined with VILD to easily remember my dream. How should I do to get this “skill?”

Theres loads fo way. From forcing your eyes open (my personal fav, as it feels so weird) to simple closing your eyes for a couple of seconds.

Of coarse, as soon as you wake up you should take another RC, just in case you’ve had an FA…

I think he meant waking from non-lucid dreams. The simplest way of doing that is just “remembering” that you want to wake up after every dream. It may seem our of your control, but it actually helps remembering that intention. You could also try repeating a mantra while falling asleep, something like “I will awake at the end of every dream I have”.

And when in doubt, drink LOTS of water before bed. :wink:

yeah, auto-suggestion works well for me. i’ll usually wake up right after REM. a couple good mantras are… “next time i am dreaming… i will know i am dreaming.” and “i will wake up after my next dream.” if you say those out loud several times before you fade away they’ll be fresh in your subconscious.

now the best way to “wake up” would have to be keeping your eyes closed and using your senses. just sit and reflect for a while… if you even get a hint of something keep thinking that thought and more often than not it will reveal more of your dream to you. do your best to record your dream as soon as possible then go back to your mantra… if you’ve just awaken from a lucid you can try and skip the mantra… sometimes you’ll slip into your next dream with being lucid in your subconscious and it will just click.

i can vouch for this, if you tell yourself you will wake up at a certain time, you will. god knows how your body clock works, as mine seems to be quite accurate. if i say to myself to wake up at 5am, i’ll wake up at around 10 minutes to. that’s really strange, how does your body know its around 5am?

For me it intention only seems to work if I really have to get up in the morning. And I have somehow managed to teach myself to wake up about 1 hour before I have to get up. This seems to happen pretty much every time I really have to get up in the morning.

So it’s deffinately possible to learn how to wake yourself up after a dream. But I think you have to have much willpower to do this.

When going to bed, try telling yourself to wake up after each dream. For me this seems to work, but I have to do it every night. And I have to do it until I fall asleep.