How to Induce a Lucid Dream - Article on

I wrote this article for the sake of all the newcomers to lucid dreaming that may be struggling with understanding which basic techniques to practice in order to master lucid dreaming quickly and effectively. I have over 7 years of experience in lucid dreaming and have used this experience to write a quick article on to help you all induce lucid dreams in no time at all.

Feel free to check it out here.

I would also like to mention that I am currently writing a FREE ebook which will cover, in even greater detail, the steps involved in not only learning, but mastering the art of lucid dreaming so that you can have lucid dreams at any frequency you choose. At my highest peak, I have 2 to 3 recalled lucid dreams a night, spread up throughout the night. All of my secrets will be unveiled in this upcoming FREE ebook, so stay tuned!

Other articles I have written, that may be of interest to some of you are How to Induce Astral Projection and How to Interpret Your Dream. After all, “A dream left uninterpreted is a letter left unread.”

Please provide your questions and or feedback here.

Happy lucid travels,

I can vouch for this. This is exactly what I do to induce lucid dreams and it works like a charm.

The only thing I can suggest is to also make sure you touch on awareness. People need to get our of their ‘tunnel vision’ of life and take in everything around you. You’ll start noticing a lot more and become more aware of your surroundings.

Another thing I do, is after I do the RC check when they happen in waking life, I imagine what it would be like if I were in a dream in this location. I look around and take everything in (as stated in the previous paragraph) and imagine what would be different if it were a dream (imagine different people, different prof, different scenes, etc).

But yes, read this. This is perfect!

Dude, 159 articles? That’s sick! :happy: Congrats for being such a prolific writer!
The info in the LD articles is pretty basic, and I agree with Rathez. Awareness tends to be lost in older ages, and it is a cornerstone of Lucid Dreaming.
Of course, it can be gained back with meditation, but that wasn’t in the LD’ing guide specifically :tongue:

The interpretation article, on the other hand, was very nice and clear! :content: I’ll be sure to put it to good use! :smile: