How to program oneself to wake up multiple times?

Hello all. I’m not a total noob to lding, although this is my first post on ld4all. I’ve been over at DreamViews for a while, but honestly haven’t gotten any good answers to my question:

How does one program oneself to wake up multiple times during the night?

I know the obvious answer of “Tell yourself you’ll wake up before sleep”. Yeah, if it was only that easy…

I’m not trying to be demanding, but I need some VERY specific details on how to accomplish this. How would you explain the process to somebody with NO idea on the method. Any help would be really appreciated, as I feel very close to LDing; I just need to recall my dreams better!

Hi Richter, welcome to the forum! :wave:

I prefered to split your question from the topic you posted it in, cause it was slightly different. Now people may better see your question.

Are you asking precise details on how to perform autosuggestion? Do you have no knowledge at all about this technique?

Well, honestly, the only way I could think of to “program” yourself to wake up would be to use something like an alarm clock to wake you up at certain times until it becomes habitual.

As for dream recall improvment as soon as you wake up ask yourself “What was I dreaming about?” and then write down whatever you remember, even if it is only a mood, in a dream journal. In addition, if you want to wake up to remember dreams as you go to sleep tell yourself “I want to wake up from my dream and remember it.” repeat that over and over as you go to sleep.

And to tell you the truth, the obvious answer of telling yourself to wake up is that easy, in fact once you have belief that is all that is neccesary to have an LD.