How to propperly use MILD

Mantras may work for many, or so they say. the brain is like a file storer, it cycles each night through our thoughts and creates a story about the powerful ones. in other words the ones that bother us subconsciously or consciously in order to achieve a better “sync” with the body by making us face our problems(sort of like telling a friend your pains)

when we dont dream the reason is that we do dream but the events are almost irrelevant and hazy this is where the mother of all techniqes come in, MILD.

By daydreaming before falling asleep we are captivated by the scenaries plus melatonin peaks at night and makes us more “open”

What does this all gibberish mean!?, you may ask. this means that the more importance you give a daydream before bed the more vivid it will become BUT theres one easy thing that each person must think of by him/herself and that is how do you expect to get lucid(if you say I will be lucid tonight how do you picture it?)

upon finding this you will go to bed, lay still and dive into your mind, begin to pretend you’re in a dream do a reality check, stabilize, fly Anything that you like and finally fall asleep while your senses are in a captivating daydream which will soon be a dream and a lucid one.

mantras don’t work for me because I consider them boring, if you do too this is the information you needed to become a true LD master.

I believe lucid dreamers have the power to change the world & evolve as humans, thats why I share with this great, although shy community.

Two posts merged together… if you’d like to add to what you’ve said, please use the ‘edit’ option in the top-right corner of your post :tardis:

I posted this on a rush but I think I stated my point. also feel free to colaborate or ask questions.
