How u got started on LD

I got my interest perked when i saw the movie Waking Life, once i saw that i was hooked. That movie is. . . wow, eyeopening to say the least. After that, i told all my friends to watch that movie and now most of em’ are now very interested in LD.

I had had one or two really short lucid dreams as a child but never really thought about them until I had another one maybe 6 months ago. This was before I even knew what they were, so I started thinking about it and was really curious… Then I found this site! :smile:

Later, I talked to my friends about it, and found out 2 of them are naturals…!

“Waking Life”, eh? Hmm, I’ll have to check out that movie… :cool:

My interest got perked after seeing a link to this website on a GameFAQS message board. I started reading about it and have been obsessed with trying to have lucid dreams ever since.

I saw Waking Life last week and I don’t really think it does much to show just how unlimited the possibilities are with lucid dreaming. It doesn’t seem very inspiring to someone who has never had a lucid dream…

true, But the whole movie is a Lucid dream and once you understand that then Lucid dreaming becomes really interesting. Especially because everyone he talks to in the movie is just a DC in his lucid dream. And the stuff he learns from them is almost insparational.

I was watchin the deadzone. there was an episode where he was in a coma or somthing, but was able to see feel and taste things and my dad told me that some people actually do have that… So I read into it and eventually found a group of people who talk about “real” dreams. One of them said somthing about LUCID so I found ld4all :grin:

Although I must’ve liked it at least somewhat, otherwise I wouldn’t have quoted it in my signature…

Whoa, I didn’t realize you had already responded! Oh well, I guess now things are just out of order but it doesn’t really matter.

Flare, what board from GameFAQs? I figure either P/C or LUE…

I got interested because I have them randomly every month or so, and they’re unimaginably fun. Of course, it makes sense that I’d want to learn to do them more often.

Ah, someone else familiar with the board. It was P/C and I think the user who posted the link was FoxMcCloud.

If not, well I at least know for sure that he posted about himself having lucid dreams.

I first got in lucid dreaming a long time ago. I picked up a audio book by Stephen Labarge about lucid dreaming. I have been interested ever since.

You might want to check the sticky in the lounge. Similar topic.

Personally, I was browsing wikipedia. I think I just randomly decided to look at Dreaming and it went from there. ld4all was on the links list. :smile:

I remember reading Carlos Castaneda books back in the early 80’s. Thos of you that have read them remember where Don Juan told Carlos to look at his hands in a dream?

At the time, I thought is was interesting but thought little of it. A few years later, I had a spontaneous LD one night and was hooked. Trouble was, I didn’t know at the time there were techniques you could use to increase both number and quality of LDs.

A friend gave me LaBerges book and I was on my way. It was quite a while later that I even thought of looking on the internet for information =P

I got started on Lucid Dreaming when I began to have them naturally. I had a couple without even knowing about the word “lucid”. After my last natural LD in June/July of this year, I got greedy and wanted more of them. So I searched everywhere online on how to control dreams, and thats where I saw the word Lucid. After more hours of searching, I found this forum…and now I’m learning techniques out the door. :smile: Thats all…

Had about 3 lucid dreams (didnt know the word lucid then) within the last 4 weeks and wanted to know what ya can do to get more of them. After sum googl’ing I found this awesome site. Started my dd yesterday unfortunately there was no dream to recall :cry: but I wont give up :smile:
But I forget doing RC’s regulary and MILD always fails for me :sad: Tried WILD yesterday but thought I couldnt breathe gonna try it again today’n hope it works :content:

My friend was telling me about lucid dreaming one day when I was half listening and i decided to look it up online and found this and figured out how to do it :tongue:

I was on this psychology forum and the topic came up, therefore i clicked on the link supplied and got interested …

After talking like a maniac to my friends i found 1 is a natural.

Like some of the above posters, I got interested after spontaneously having a lucid dream - It was an amazing experience so I wanted to find out more about them…and here I am! I’ve got EWLD and am reading it atm but I’m not sure if I’ve got the time or commitment at the moment to practise the exercises so I might have to content myself with just having my normal level of LDs for the time being.

I got into LD cause it reminded me of some trips people get of hallucinogens. Imerged in a world that isnt real. Really intrests me.

I was really tired at work one day and decided to not do anything productive and went to and looked up sleep. Under that topic was a link to DV and there I learned about Lucid Dreaming. There I was accepted and adopted by Seeker :smile: and managed to have my 1st LD within 3 weeks. Unfortunately I haven’t had one in a while but I’m certain I’ll have one tonight! YES! I WILL!!!

When i first saw Waking Life, i searched for Lucid Dreaming too. I looked for books and then this website came up when i searched the internet. The day before i found this website, i swear, i beleive i had a lucid dream. That or a vivid ND. Either way it reminded me of Waking Life. So then i tried finding info about it.