Hypnagogic imagery or?

Today, while taking a nap, I had my most elaborate by far hypnagogic imagery. The thing is, it wasn`t just pictures, it was more.

At first, I saw this blackboard in front of my eyes with text on it, couldn`t quite get what it said, even though it was clear it would fade if I tried reading. But then it would come back and rewrite itself. After that I could hear a talkshow going on. One person talking to another that answered, not sure what that was about either.

Then I could see part of my bed, like a stillimage. Then I felt my legs move apart. Also had the feeling of falling through my bed. In the end I started hearing a song, on repeat, before it eventually disintegrated and I woke up.

Is this hypnagogic imagery or does it have some other term?

Im guessing the earlier visuals you had while falling asleep partially conscious progressed into REM sleep. The latter parts of your experience seem to be while you’re in REM although partially lucid, the dream is ‘unstable’ and you woke up.
The blackboard encounter is more of an advanced trance induced visual that happens out of the blue…then you must have remained slightly detached and let it flow onto an auditory hallucination…
Then it sounds like you experienced a common occurance that happens to most dreamers…the sensation of detatchment from your physical state.

I usually don’t hear songs, voices and stuff… more along the lines of dim and dull sounds with the average visual here and there untill I either fall asleep or experience the unique state of mind where I can detatch my mind from the physical restraints of reality…

I had just about the same thing. Voices are indeed part of HI. I think the falling feeling is what borught you into a dream. A VERY unstable WILD. I dunno. Jeff might be more useful than me in this department.