Hypnagogic Imagery?

Weird thing to ask. Today in Algebra, it was getting really boring, so I figured that I’d just lay back and rest for a little while. (Well, the teacher wasn’t talking, and I didn’t have any work to do, so…) I probably would’ve gone to sleep, but while I was “falling asleep,” something weird happened. I had a mini-dream…sort of. I thought it might be HI, but it’s odd how it happened. HI is supposed to be just fragments of stuff, right? Well, during this mini-dream, I was going uphill on a bike with a friend. The bike suddenly broke, and I was about to stop and fix it. I suddenly got this image of myself tumbling down the hill, and my friend says “You better wait until we get to Itch Crit.” Now, this Itch Crit might be a city…or something, maybe a store? Anyway, I thought it might just be regular day-dreaming, but how would I have thought of something so weird as “Itch Crit?”

Any input on this?

It sounds like a dream to me. You know how when you fall asleep, your HI can produce scenarios that are like a dream? Usually if you get deep enough, you can start seeing/experiencing something fairly cognizant taking place, but then when you realize what’s going on, you snap back to reality (or just go deeper into sleep). That’s why things are so fragmented with HI. It isn’t solely “fragments” but is often viewed that way. If it was very vivid and you felt somewhat detached from it all, then it probably was a dream. And the whole “Itch Crit” sounds dreamish in most senses (unless you have a knack for creating weird sayings/words on your own).

Sleeping in class is one of the best things to do. When i do it i start to feel things dissapear. First the floor, then the chair, but then the desk falls forward and im left floating around in nothingness but i can still hear people around me talking. Then the dreams start which arent really dreams, its more like my mind is trying to take what people are saying and turn it into a visual. The visuals make no sense but i thought they did at the time. The whole time i knew i was asleep but i had no idea where i was when i fell asleep.

man, I’ve missed out on a lot :sad:

i tried sleeping during physics for a few depressed weeks… I"d be listening but not paying attention then I’d puprosefully try to fall asleep… I’d get the myoclonic jerks and wake up, eventually my teacher started commenting about it… he said something about me “fishing”

(like how people startle awake when they get a bite on their poles)

sleeping in class must be fun.

hypnogogic imagery is not always fragmented for me. there have been times when i’ve had what seemed like full dreams and have even gotten lucid and upon waking i would glance at my clock to find that only about 5 minutes have passed so it must have been hypnogigic. as for sleeping in class i never have has much success with it since every time i try some idiot tries to wake me up (usually the teacher).