I was just thinking, wouldn’t it be possible to hypnotize someone and give them orders to ask themselves if they’re dreaming or not once they see things in a vague environment (or something like that) to make them recognize dreams? What’re your thoughts?
Yes that is very possible…I think it was in a book by Laberge who told that 3 persons were hypnotised to have a ld that night…all 3 never had one before and indeed they had all 3 a ld that night (if i remember it right)…so if thats possible yes i think this is also possible…
The problem is here more that not all ppl can get good hypnotised…I think from my own experiments that has much to do with your serotonin level.
what book was it exactly?
what book was it exactly?
I think I read that in Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming. That was the one by Laberge, R3dman, the one its in I mean.
Yes its in Laberge his first book! Lucid dreaming the title is…but R3dmaN I dont think u can still buy this book in dutch…just in eng i think…i could scan the page 4 u R3dman i got the Dutch version of the book!
Ho ho ho Santa is closeby…lol!
thnx i would like that Jeff, WOW the dutch version? how u ever got ya hands on that ? so it is his first book? cuz i hav his later book : exploring the world of lucid dreaming, and i coulnd find it anywere in it, a dutch title of that book also would be nice becouse some words i hav to look up and so, but hey its kinda EDU
Check page 82 of Exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming. Its in there, under posthypnotic suggestion.
Im still trying to get hypnotised but theres allways a cash problem.Its just too expensive here.
But what i was thinking-to get hipnotist to tell you to be aware whenever you`re dreaming and to recall dreams very well.If i have enough money one day i go definately and try.
But once i sent a lot of letters to lots of internet pages which deal with hipnosis…many of them were done by proffesional psychologists.therapists/hipnotists.I have recieved heaps of replys but the answer was same"…we can do it for you sir,it will cost this and this but we truy doubt it could have any effect…reach for additional knowledge about hipnosis before you decide to spend money for it".Dint get the answer WHY?but still…specialists say it wouldnt have effect.
oh well…i must be convinced myself so im still up to try
I mean…if u can make one to not smoke,to not feel like a smoke…why cant you get him and order to remember something?
take care
I taught myself to hypnotise out of a huge book on hypnosis. I’ve done it to my friends on a number of occasions, with good results.
My advice is to find a friend who has also taught themselves and has done it before, it will be way more affordable (free, he’s your friend right?) than going to some hypnotherapist who doesn’t think it’ll work anyway.
Josh, what book is that? Was it hard to learn how to do it? Have you ever tried self-hypnosis?
The book is called Hypnotism by Walter B Gibson. Its a really old book. My Dad bought it when he was young, and now I have it on an extended loan.
It wasn’t hard to learn, and while reading the book I picked up a lot on the history of hypnotism too.
Anyway, I have tried self hypnosis, but I’ve found its not much different than meditaion. I’m not really the guy to ask about self hypnosis anyway. I never seem to get it right.