Hi. I discovered this site a few days ago and it’s really interesting. at first after reading the forum i was a bit sceptical because it all sounds so unbelievable. i would like to have a lucid dream but im sure it will take time and effort, which i dont have. im a student, so at the moment i have a pretty stressfull life, and some nights i sleep i have been drinking. just a few questions. which is the easiest way to induce a lucid dream? i am a heavy sleeper, but i am quite lazy so i know i wont put in a lot of effort doing reality checks etc. normally getting to sleep takes about an hour because i am thinking about exams/coursework etc. to have a lucid dream do you have to sleep at night, or can you do it whilst having a sleep in the afternoon? ( im guessing nighttime because you need r.e.m. right?) . Thanks for listening, and i hope to start having some lucid dreams soon.
Ska_wars86, welcome to LD4all
often it is easier to have LDs during an afternoon nap or during a morning ‘doze’ after waking up with an alarm clock.
Take it from someone who believes in nothing–they’re real. It’s only being aware that you’re dreaming, nothing mystical.
I understand this because I’m a student too, and since this semester is ending I have been bogged with tests, assignments, essays, presentations and exams! I actually had an LD this morning after about 3 weeks without, and I think it’s because I wrote an exam yesterday and felt pretty good about it so I was relaxed.
I’m lazy. I used to do RC’s and I used to have a lot of DILD’s but I stopped. I suggest you just question yourself, ask if you are dreaming, and really become aware. This doesnt involve any physical movement!
This you can stop tonight. When you’re lying in bed you’ve already committed to falling asleep, right? And the sooner you get to sleep the better rested you will be the next day to maybe do some of your work. Lying there and thinking about what you havent done or need to do doesnt help you because nothing is going to get solved while you lay in the dark. If it helps, write down everything you need to get done, when it’s due and formulate a bit of plan of when you can do them. Then forget about that stuff and sleep!
Whenever you dream–so whenever you sleep!
I’m sure you will, have some confidence. It’s not hard.
An easy was is to work on Dream recall.
I think that whenever you sleep you go into at least a short period of R.E.M. Plus I heard someone say that it is possible to have dreams in N.R.E.M Just less stable and harder to remember.
Thanks for that. im pretty sure i had a lucid dream last night, but with no recall. i went to bed around 11 o clock. i had my ipod and i was listening to lucidremix.mp3 ( the one that keeps telling you to RC because you are dreaming) which i found somewhere on these forums. it took me quite a while to get off to sleep. i was really excited about having an LD. i kept giggling and stuff whilst listening. i remember i kept opening my eyes to do the hands RC ( counting fingers). then i remember a greenish bright light and vibrations in my head. im pretty sure i had an LD. i do remember having the vibrations and light again. this time i woke up because they were quite painful.this was around 3 o clock. i did recall the dream but i was too tired to write it down so i went back to sleep. then i woke up this morning really annoyed that i hadnt written it down.
Im gonna get some coursework done today so i can go to bed nice and relaxed and i’ll see what happens.
Here’s that mp3 ska mentioned.
Right click it and click “save target as” and just save it to your desktop or something.
I haven’t tried this yet (I am going to tonight) and I’m pretty confident it will work. Enjoy.
By the way… if you can’t fall asleep listening to it, I suggest just making a blank mp3 file (however long you want) and putting it on your mp3 player before the actual lucid mp3 file.