To release my potential from past restrictive programming of my subconscious, it is extremely important that I give myself the right to be me and to function as I choose. It is not possible to have sound self-esteem if I am not true to myself or give up responsibility and accountability for my own life as I seek to achieve fulfillment of my needs and goals.

I want to allow myself the freedom to choose without building a prison for myself with “have to’s”, “can’ts”, and “they won’t let me’s”.

I recognize I am functioning from my own free choice and I can either: Recognize myself as important, valuable and interesting as a person or see myself as an absolute incompetent, who is unworthy and unneeded. I can choose to be kind, loving, helpful, loyal and compassionate, or to be lazy, cowardly, mean and disloyal. I can choose to be happy, free and succeeds in each undertaking or to fail and feel unimportant and less than others.

If I allow myself this freedom, I must recognize I am responsible for my decisions and actions and be willing to accept the consequences they bring.

I know I am the one who will answer for my every action, and will profit or suffer accordingly.

Therefore, before every important decision, I ask myself: What ought to be done for me? Will it injure myself or others? Is this in accord with my beliefs and goals? Is it in alignment with reality as I see it? Am I willing to fully accept the consequences?

To be truly free and to grow in self-esteem, I must not give up my growth, pursuit of fulfillment or happiness to anyone.

I choose to treat myself with dignity and proceed to move toward full love, wisdom, freedom and joy, knowing I am the authority over me.

------These words were so profound for me I wanted to share them with everybody.

oh… you didn’t write that ?


I liked it.

“I want to allow myself the freedom to choose without building a prison for myself with “have to’s”, “can’ts”, and “they won’t let me’s””

That sounds like me!

But I’m withdrawing from my desires, denying my curiosities, and… being completely idle…

But that it’s self is a choice you are making. Maybe for you it is the right one, at least for now. Only you can decide that for yourself. What you are today is not necessarily what or who you will become. Give yourself time to decide who you will be.

Good Luck

Great post Brandi! Very profound indeed…
I’ve chosen a path which I hope to explore more in depth during the rest of my life. However, I’m aware I’ll have to deal with the fact that my path is not quite what you can call mainstream, in the line of society’s expected way of living. I’ll probably have to talk many times to many people before they may understand the reasons why I’ve taken the chosen path. The freedom to live yourself instead of making it easy and being lived by society’s standards can be extremely difficult, but it’s not something which cannot be done. It’s a price which has to be paid if we want to free us from the inevitable conditioning by mainstream society. As long as we keep a healthy balance in our lives during the transformation, everything will be alright in the end. Just trust upon your intuition :smile: