I am very, very frustrated.

I used to have a very natural talent for LDs, having one around once every two weeks. But for the past 4 months I’ve been having a problem: the lucidity of my dreams is going down, and starting 2 weeks ago, I can’t remember my LDs. I remember I had them, but I can’t recall any details on them, no matter what I do. Any tips?

Do you keep a journal? A DJ will help you hold onto your recall, as it gives you more reason to remember. Many have times were recall can be lower, there’s so many factors such as time of year, personal life/stress etc.

My dream recall dropped when I was around 15/16 for a while because of exam stress.

Chances are you are more focused on other things in life and it’s affecting recall and lucidity.

Dont be frustrated, it kills your chances on LDs man. :smile:

A DJ certainly works very well. I started 3 nights ago with a fragment from maybe 2 seconds. Pushing a watering-can over the neighbours fence. Last 2 nights I’ve been able to remember about 6 or 7 dreams of which about 2 or 3 from each night in considerable detail.

I think you’re trying too hard. Relax a bit more and get in the mind state that you don’t care, when suggesting to yourself that you will have a lucid dreaming. Just genuinely expect it to happen with an unattached attitude to whatever the results may be.

I am not sure what you mean… Are you saying that you cannot recall your pervious LDs either? And these dreams you clearly recalled in the past?

If that is the case, then i am puzzled too.

I can remember clearly all LDs until about 2 weeks ago.

I’ll try the DJ thing. Maybe if I delve into more detail. All I do now is just jot down a few notes on each dream I have.

Maybe I am concentrating too hard. Since I’ve had LDs my whole life, I set my goal to be LDs on demand, any night I want. Maybe my excessive {V,M,W}ILDing is causing some sort of LD burnout.

Then that sounds normal… Most people experience a dryspell now and then. Your lucid dreaming ability will most likely come back.

That’s good.

The paradox: My greatest fear is that I won’t be able to have LDs because of my fear that I can’t have LDs!

Thanks for all these tips, btw.